Random Convo with a_silver_story

Aug 26, 2010 04:54

Me: omg john now owns a cow.  it lives in the backroom and eats orange grass
Silver: hahaha I was thinking Mulan when I wrote it 7 .dishonour YOU, dishonour yo FAMILY, dishonour yo COW
 M: lmao it's brilliant. .oh while iantos still drunk john takes him to the backroom to apologize to his cow
S: Ianto this is my cow I think you should apologise to Gaylord. 7
S:Your cows name is gaylord focker? *ianto slurs*
 M:yes now apologise to her
M: I sorry mister cow...
S:... cows are female
M: yes but the beauty is iantos drunk thinks its a guy because of the name
S: I don't think Ianto could ever be that drunk XD
M: ok it would go like this.
M: apologise to mister cow ianto....
M: cows are female *slurs*
M: not this one it was a bull but got a sex change
S: lol
M: john would make a bull get a sex change just to say he did


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