Nov 01, 2004 13:35
Oh, man news update!
Yesterday my dad took me to go get some paints and some brushes! That will be fun whence i get a place to set up! Ive already started to make little sketches to make a painting of, i hope i do well at this so i dont feel bad! That would be cool. Or ok. Well right now ive decided homeschool does in fact take alot of self decipline because it is very hard to do this without getting distracted! Its like ditching all the time and doing half of your homework just so you dont fail! Blah! Im pretty bored. I fear. I got some paintpens with alex, they are fun. They work rather nicely and make it easy to paint my nails even! So now im gunna look even more questionable then i did before because its turning into a habbit. somewhere sub-conciously. Well im gunna go back to coloring in my nails. I t l o o k s s o
s o r t o f n e a t .
L O V E,
.J O R D A N R O C K H A V I N S.