So I went to the first Japanese Con ever. Well there is no cosplay and no hotel involved and it's a single day event. I am really starting to miss those North American cons. Being said, I have a high chance of going to AN 2011 LOL
Huge line ups and many many ppl. But it's a organized mess. No one tried to step over another person. This would never happen in China.... ==;;
Here is my loot of the day:
Durarara!!: 5 books
Togainu no chi: 1 book
Sengoku Basara: 13 books
Basara still wins ==;;; That makes basara the major doujinshi collection I have... next is nitro+ chiral series all added up together..... gosh.. ==
Being said, I really want to go to that Basara only event in Tokyo in Feb..............................