*does them*
Countdown Created by
andy and taken 5635 times on
bzoink!::15 Random Favorites::1Green Day2TV3Computer4Bed5Smoking6Drinking7Emo Guys8Sleep9MSN10Money11Smirnoff12Pink13School14Galactic Circus15Smoke Dreams::14 Favorite Foods::1Chicken2Pasta3Pasta with chicken carbonara sauce =|4Chicken curry5Chicken schnitzel6Chinese7Popcorn chicken (IT HAS CRACK IN IT I TELLS YA!)8Okay now I'm gonna use drinks 'cause I don't even eat 14 different foods, man!9Mountain Dew10Smirnoff11Jim Beam12Jack Daniels13Coke14Baileys::13 Most Watched Shows::1Simpsons2Dr Phil3Days Of Our Lives4Neighbours5Law And Order CI6Law And Order 7Law And Order SVU8Family Guy9Rage10Video Hits11Miracle Blade infomercial12That religious show13Untold Wealth infomercial::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::1Green Day2Finch3Funeral For A Friend4My Chemical Romance5The Used6Alkaline Trio7Bright Eyes (not really a band but stfu)8A Perfect Circle9Beatles10Faith No More11Pink Floyd12Nine Inch Nails::11 Memories::1GREEN DAY LAST WEEK <32Linkin Park at livid.. Don't like 'em anymore, but it was awesome.3Counting down for the green day concert. =P4Almost getting killed in between Ruthven and Keon Park5That time Kady and I were drinking and shit at Chris' house.. that night was really memorable. ='(6A lot of my crazy MSN convos with Angie + others7That time I actually threw a rock at a skater8Kay I'm really just pulling shit outta my ass now.. um.. moving houses?9Christina's party where I first met Mitch, Pat and all of that group.. GET OUT OF MY SUBMARINE!10Being kidnapped by Daniel and his friend. Jason, I think.11The show in 2003.::10 Close Friends::1Emma2Mark3Angie4Danny5Jess6Katie7Tara8Charlie9Dana10Shar::09 Things you're looking forward to::1I lost my number one thing to look forward to last Thursday.. ='(2Um.. Turning 183Getting a job4^^ so I can save up money and get a car5^^ and go visit angieeee6GREEN DAY COMING BACK!7Next time I get trashed8School tomorrow9Dying.::08 Things you wear daily::1Socks2Underwear3Pants4T-shirt5this is getting hard. =| um jumper usually6Eyeliner7Lip gloss8... hair tie. >.>::07 Things That Annoy You::1People ignoring me2Even more, friends ignoring me3People who think the world revolves around them4Good bands not coming here often enough5People who question my intelligence because of my age6ppl hu typ lyk dis7Wanting things I can't have::06 Things You Touch Everyday::1Keyboard2Mouse3Phone4Blanket5Remote6... myself. ;) :|::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::1Happy Gilmore2Billy Madison3Stigmata4School Of Rock5Donnie Darko::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::1I loved my blankie.2My humphry teddy3That phone4I.. dunno.::03 People You Have Kissed::1Daniel2James3Tony::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::1Green Day - "Macy's Day Parade"2My Chemical Romance - "To The End"::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::1=|
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Go to bzoink! currents!@*&!*@&^& Created by
alison and taken 9187 times on
bzoink!current clothingNavy + pink pants, pink underwearrr, black t-shirtcurrent moodmeh.current tasteChocolate milk =|current hairMesssy.current annoyanceFucking hayfever.current smellNothing.current thing you ought to be doingWriting up my cheat sheet for my psych SACcurrent jewelryNonecurrent bookNonecurrent refreshmentPepsicurrent worryFailing my psych saccurrent crush>.>current favorite celebrityBillie Joeeee <3current longingWell I'd like to die. Does that count?current musicGreen Day - "Macy's Day Parade"current wishKady and I saw a shooting star on Saturday night and I wished for all of my friends to be happy. *shrugs*current lyric in your head"give me something that i neeeeeeeeed"current makeup (if you're a girl!)Nonecurrent undergarmentsAll pinkcurrent regretNot getting trashed enough this weekendcurrent desktop pictureSouth Park Billie Joecurrent plans for tonight/weekendTonight, legal and psych homework.. Weekend, nothing as of yet.current cuss word du jour=| FUCK YOU CUNTcurrent disappointmentNobody is online to talk to. =(current amusementWell I keep laughing at nothing in particular. =|current IM/person you're talking toNobody.current loveSomething.current obsessionGREEN DAYcurrent avoidancePsych SAC revisioncurrent thing or things on your wallNothingcurrent favorite bookNothingcurrent favorite movieNothing
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Go to bzoink! Bands = A-Z Created by
BourdiezFreak and taken 632 times on
bzoink!AAlkaline TrioBBeatlesCConvergeDDashboard ConfessionalEEvanescenceFFinchGGreen DayHHot Water MusicIINXSJJerkKKillswitch EngageLLacuna CoilMMy Chemical RomanceNNapalm DeathOOpethPPink FloydQ:QueenRRadioheadSSilverchairTThursdayUU2VVelvet RevolverWWeezerXum.. =|YYellowcardZZoot#3 Doors Down
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