*dusts this thing off*

Sep 12, 2010 19:24

Wow, it's been a really long time. I"m also not promising it won't be a really long time again before I write anything else either. :) Especially since WIndows just took a nasty crash as I was midway through writhing this and I have to start over. X_X

So here's the major breakdowns. : )

Marriage: I really did get it right the second time around. Despite the rough times lately, we're still fine, still love each other, and my day still lights up when he walks in the room, despite 12 years together. :) YAY! I can't imagine every needing anyone but him, he's the world to me.

Financial: Getting by. Despite my worst fears, largely a holdover from my first marriage, since he's been laid off we've still been able to make ends meet, and he's getting more and more interviews lately. *hopes* The only down side is the lack of insurance, but millions are facing that also, so I can hardly complain like ti's somehow just me and I'm alone. It's scary, but we'll just keep doing our best to sort it all out.

Health: Everyone is doing well right now, hoping to stay that way.

Family: Always crazy. It was a rough year though, my grandmother hit the point where she's still alive, but who she was is gone. She doesn't know who I am, or even that I existed. Ashe's grandmother passed away recently.

Day to day living: I dove into the world of Duneons and Dragons online. For a year now. Seriously, me, playing a mmo for a year. I'm a guild leader. What the hell? Seriously, I dont' think it would have lasted past my normal 5 week interest mark if not for the awesome freinsd I have made. Half the time we are just sitting around in the game just talking and not playing. They are awesome people like my oafs, that I can hear and interact with, not just text. And some I have met in person, and had an awesome time doing so. I have another irl meetup coming in two weeks yay! One of the other guys I already met is going to, so I'll get to visit with another freind for the first time and a fun one again. : ) It's been awesome,a nd since it went free to play, it's been our main source of entertainment. Turbine had to make tough choices after a disaster wtih Atari, and they experimented with the free to play model, where you can play the game, but limited parts. You can monthly sub for access to everything, grind out favor to buy everything and never pay a dime if you are patient enough, or a middle of the road where you buy points and spend themonly on what you want. Ashe and I are the middle of the road group. : ) He's big into it too, one of my officers, and we'v been having fun.

Although I'm kind of thinking of quitting my guild (my own guild!) because I'm on a server that's a lot like high school. I just thought it was a mmo gamer thing, until on the advice of a good freind I tried the others and found one I really like the culture of. Who knew the different servers actually had different cultures? So if any of you play ddo on Sarlona server, look up Waterssong. :)

Everything else: I'm learning the art (with some awesome successes!) of crockpot cooking. Been condenscing things down, getting rid of stuff I never use. Hanging iwth ashe, playing games, watching Vampire Diaries that he downloads for me, and generally trying to get out of the depression I got sucked into last year. Fighting off the apathy, and trying to reconnect with you guys. :)

Depressions sucks, but I'm winning. Becaue I want to. I'm not waiting for someone or something to save me, I'll save myself thank you very much.
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