Sausage is my Master

May 22, 2010 13:58

Well, let me start by saying that the wedding and reception yesterday were FANTASTIC!!! I danced my wee butt off. I am feeling the ramifications of doing so this fine day. But it's good...pain wrought from happiness is fine by me :) I so seldom get to hang with my extended family on either side that when I do, it's like biting into the richest fudge in the world. Num num num.

In the wake of all of that fun, I've had a pretty tough day. Let's see. I woke up, kind of. Putting in Weeds, which I have from Netflix, was just too much to ask (and no I am not hung over, btw). It was just, I was so TIRED, and when you put in a disk you have to open the envelope, open your DVD player, put away the DVD that is in there and then *yawn* well, it's just making me tired thinking about it. So instead I turned on the TV and flipped to a mini marathon of Clean House. I liked Clean Sweep better, and I'm not sure which came first, but it served its purpose, namely, entertaining me and making me feel good about my life while I sat on my butt drinking my coffee.

Around 10:30, this smell wafted up into my apartment. My nostrils flared, for lo, it was the smell of ... sausage.

Now, some of you know that I am really wanting a house. I long for the end to my listless apartment renting days. There are many reasons for this. I don't enjoy hearing every conversation that goes on amongst my neighbors, for example. But there is one thing I will say. My downstairs neighbors right now make things that smell FREAKING DELICIOUS. Today it was sausage.

I had already determined what food I was going to make for myself this weekend, and I had already determined that I didn't want to go out to get anything. However, as soon as that smell hit my nose, I caught myself walking towards my shoes and keys, ostensibly as part of the beginning stages of going to find some sort of sausage. This would have been unfortunate for many reasons, namely that I was and still am in my PJs. But that's the power that sausage has over me. It can make me do CRAZY things. Ungodly things. Well not really.

Anyway, I avoided temptation, somehow. But it was really touch and go for awhile.

Since I had such a tough morning, I decided to give myself a break and take a nap after lunch. It was a beautiful weathery moment. The sun was pouring in through my window, birds were singing. By the time I woke up half an hour later it was pouring. Now the sun is shining but it's thundering. Yeah...

My week was kind of a W or M shaped thing. Very stressful ohhhh goooood ahhh stressful bad goood betterrrr bestttttt! And now I'm just chillaxing, as the people who say that say. Sometimes being a complete lazy butthole is the greatest thing in the world. *yawn* This sure was tiring to type...:)
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