"Stop eating my people"

Sep 12, 2009 00:56

Shop started wednesday. yaaaaaay. I don't hate Jody as much as I thought I would and I don't think he hates us yet either. The man rambles like a crazy person though, if he doesn't focus on whatever he's teaching at the time. but, s'all good. Got some review in from yesterdays chapter and played a riveting game of plants vs. zombies jeopardy. We would have won if we didn't bet out final jeopardy in yen >_>

I don't understand the need to have an assembly just to introduce the sports teams. It's a hot mess of cluster-fuckery getting everyone into the gym. Not enough bleacher space for everyone, so naturally everyone else is on the floor, and the microphone on the fritz so it shrieks when you move it around too much makes for a fun 9th period -_-;;

Snagged plants vs zombies off bruce this morning, and holy shit it is the most amusing little thing EVER. You kill zombies...with plants...happy smile face desudesudesudesu plants. They're adorable ;I want a zombie maiming garden. Like now. Go torrent it, it's awesome at killing time.

First drama meeting is monday. Super pumped for that.

Also - You know when you're trying to do something you do well and there is that one person who gives you suggestions based on what little knowledge they have on the subject and even though they're trying to be helpful but they're really being quite detrimental to the cause. One of those "I don't tell you how to do your job; don't tell me how to do mine" kind of thing. That's basically my relationship with my mother whenever no one else is around

shop jokes, shop, ramble, stupid

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