Aug 25, 2009 22:58
UGH. Long entry will be long.
Found out why my ipod is acting all possessed-like. Turns out after a trip from the apple store it has water damage. I have no idea how it happened and seeing as how my old ipod went through the washing machine and still worked ><. Even though it was under extended warranty it still wasn't covered and they wanted to charge us $90 to swap it out. No kthx. I'll keep my semi-functioning ipod until I really need to replace it. Even then I think I might just kick apple products all together and get a zune.
I really don't think i'm going to get along too well with Mullen this year, because I still don't like her idea of 'creative writing' remaking myself into a god for the mythology unit. That's creative writing. Doing that while still having to keep it strictly greek and work in greek beliefs in there. Not so much, that's what I have a problem with, which would explain why i've been putting that off. Not that I can really afford to do that now with school starting back up next week. Ugh.
Weekend was pleasantly nice though. Twin's birthday party was amusing. Lazzzorz tag followed by a cookout and sexual favors innuendos ("I'll beat you tonight!") and we had to screw with the employees that do the codenames with lulzy shit like lulztron and desugirl. And they spelled/pronounced them wrong, too. Added lulz. Showed up a bunch of little kids failing at DDR, because we destroy hopes and dreams like that... even though we couldn't hear the damn music because they have their own music going....kinda makes the idea of having a DDR machine in there a little retarded.
Cookout was lulz. As it contained the promise of sexytimes. which never happened DDD: and a bunch of us sitting around eating chicken wingz, stale chips and talking about NCIS. Which the new season starts the 22nd, YEY. And I totally want the CD with all the music on it >_>
Kicked total ass at brawl after being told I was going to lose. psh yeah, right. mmhm.
Possible canobie/movie date thursday and the last summer fling i'll have with Carissa on friday. We're hitting the beach for some sexy beach time. And I totally am bringing a fucking watermelon, and we're busting it open with a baseball bat D
procrastination yay,