
Jul 05, 2006 23:17

Dahm is some kind of Zoroastrian prayer. The article is kinda vague on the details. Maybe it's one of those concepts which doesn't translate very well into English. Or maybe it's just not a very well written article. Or maybe it's late and I should go to bed.

But still: "Dahm Yazad is the active principle and hypostasis of the Avestan Dahma Afriti invocation"... I know half the words in that sentence, but the other ones are throwing me a bit. It appears to have started out as a general concept and later become an actual deity.

Anyway, once you read to the end you find that Dahm really isn't very relevant in modern-day Zoroastrianism anyway. So if you find yourself talking to a modern-day Zoroastrianist, don't worry too much about impressing them with your Dahm-related knowledge.

dahm you, thus spake zoroaster, dahm you all to hell

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