"What does it mean when my partner..."
Dunno, ask them.
"But what are they trying to say when they..."
Dunno, ask them.
"Would my partner like it if..."
Dunno, ask them.
"What is my partner thinking when they..."
Dunno, ask them.
"Should I..."
Dunno, ask them.
"But they won't tell me!"
That's your answer then.
Nobody can read your partner's mind for you and translate what they're thinking. I don't care what that psychic with the neon sign says, nobody can do that. The only answer you're going to get is from your partner.
Silence is an answer. Probably not the answer you want, but it's an answer. If you have outright asked them, in no uncertain terms, to explain themselves, and they blatantly, clearly refuse to tell you, then you're asking the wrong question.
The correct question in this case is "can I remain in a relationship with someone who cares so little for me and this relationship that they won't communicate with me even with direct questioning?"
And that's a question only you can answer. Nobody in a forum or online group can answer any of these question for you. You have to ask the person you need the answer from, either your partner, or yourself.
This post was originally posted at
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