Yes I Have A Vagina, Yes I'm Better Than You, And That's OK

Nov 11, 2015 14:51

Hey guys, stop fucking using women as threats to motivate other guys.  There is nothing shameful about a woman being better than you at something, and there is especially nothing shameful about a woman being better than you in her field of expertise that she has worked in for her entire adult life while you just started.

Him 1:  "You gonna let her beat you at that?"

Him 2:  "Hell yeah, she's better at me than this, and if I can't get it right here in a minute, I'm gonna ask her for help too!"

Look, I've been doing my job for twenty-fucking five years.  I'm damn good at my job.  I'm not "OMG why aren't you working for Spielburg?!" amazing, I'm just damn good (and I suspect that a good part of the reason why I'm not that amazing is simply because of untapped potential and lack of opportunity - I know I have more to me, if I could just find a way to express it).  I know a thing or two about my business and I have a few systems down pat.  Most of this shit I can do in my sleep.  In fact, during my rock-n-roll days when I was double-booking and averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night, I *did* do a lot of this shit in my sleep.  This is my job.  This is my field.  This is my expertise.  Of course I'm better at it than someone who just started, and of course I'm better at it than someone who's only been in the business for 3 years.


There is absou-fucking-lutely no goddamn reason why some dude should be naturally better at something than I am when I've been doing it for more than two decades.  And there is abso-fucking-lutely no goddamn reason why he should feel embarrassed or ashamed at hearing so.  Y'all just need to get over that shit and accept that you're not the fucking king of the planet and some people are just simply better at stuff than you are because they've been doing it longer, or even because they are naturally more skilled at that task than you are.  That's just the way things are.  Having a penis does not confer magical abilities to be the best at everything you do, nor even to be "better than a girl" at everything you do, including some of those things that you typically associate as masculine skills.

Stop using me as a threat.  I'm just going to be better than some of you at those things I do well, just as there are some people better than me (and some of them are also women).  And I do a lot of things well.  If your ego is so fragile that the thought of a woman who specializes in a particular industry and has done so for nearly as long as you've been alive spurs you into a competition with her because on noes, you have to be the best!!1! then honey, you don't belong in this business.  In fact, you don't belong at work at all, you belong back in daycare.

Accept the fact that some people are better than you at things, even at things you're not bad at.  Accept the fact that some of those people are women.  Instead of feeling threatened by that, or encouraging other men to feel threatened by that, you can use the talented and skilled women around you as resources to get the job done.  So stop poking other guys with us or having them stand on our shoulders to get up higher on the company ladder than we are.

gender issues, rants, feminism

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