Polyamorous Research Study

Oct 18, 2009 15:56

I have received a request to forward a notice for a polyamorous research study. This is a study done by researchers at the University of Michigan, who are studying how partnering, sexuality, and hormones are associated. They are studying both monogamous and non-monogamous people, and I think this will be a fantastic opportunity for the poly community. The study will take place over 2 years, requiring 12 saliva samples and filling out questionnaires. They will provide all the materials necessary to collect the saliva sample and send it to them. The saliva will be analyzed for hormonal content and it will not be studied for genetic analysis of any kind in any way. They will also pay you for your contributions, for a total of $80 over the 2 years. If you are female, you must not be on hormonal birth control.

I am volunteering. If anyone else is interested, here is the information.

----Original Message-----
From: van Anders lab
To: orlandopolyamory@gmail.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 4:55 pm
Subject: Post Request - Polyamorous Study


We are researchers at the University of Michigan, and aiming to
recruit polyamorous individuals for a research study. We are looking
to recruit in your area and would like to post the following
announcement within your discussion groups. Would you be able to pass
on this email to your listserv or give us permission to do so?
Recruiting Participants!
We are conducting a research study, and looking for participants! We
welcome all participants 18 and older, healthy, not using hormonal
medications (e.g. the Pill). A compensation (up to $80) is offered for
your time.

We are looking for:
1) Heterosexual or GLBQ individuals in relationships;
2) Individuals in relationships with multiple people, or in
polyamorous relationships;
3) Women and men.
This study involves: completing questionnaires (e.g. background,
health, social variables, & personal sexuality); and quick & easy
saliva research samples.

To volunteer or for more info, please contact vanandersbpl@umich.edu
or 734-763-7121

This research is being conducted by:
Sari van Anders, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
For more info, please contact vanandersbpl@umich.edu or 734-763-7121

IRB: «Behavioral Sciences»
IRB Number: «HUM00029316»
Document Approved On: «05.12.09»

science, recommendations, polyamory

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