Survey ♥

Mar 29, 2005 14:31

Stole this from Hannah! =)  Jordynn
2..single or taken:  single
3..gender: female
4..birthday: April 26
5..siblings: one brother color: brown
8..eye color: hazel
9..location: Allen Park
10.. height: 5'11

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

11..who are your best friends? I have a lot! And i love them all! =) you have a girlfriend? EWW// no way jose!

f a s h i o n s t u f f
13..where is your favorite place to shop?:  I have a couple
14..any tattoos or piercings:  10 piercings.//ears

s p e c i f i c s you do drugs?:  eww no
16..what kind of shampoo do you use? suave
17..what are you most scared of? spiders
18..who is the last person that called you? trudy
19..where do you want to get married? Either a pretty church or a beach many buddies are online right now? 30
21..what would you change about yourself? i don't know

F a v o r i t e s
22..color: pink and green pickles
24..boy's names:  Jacob, Ryan
25..girl's names:  Madisyn, Mikaylah
26..subjects in school: I don't have one lol.. lunch probly
27..favorite season:  Spring or Summer
28..sports: Volleyball, softball, and im doing golf 8) lol
29..given anyone a bath? Yeah.. my little cousin
30..smoked? never
31..bungee jumped?: nope
32..made yourself throw up?:  Noo
33..skinny dipped?: no
34..ever been in love? ...
35..made yourself cry to get out of trouble? o=) lol yes
36..pictured your crush naked? no
37..actually seen your crush naked? no lol
38..cried when someone died?: yeah
39..lied: yeah lol.. just to stay out of trouble
40..fallen for your best friend? no
41..rejected someone? no
42..used someone?: nope
43..done something you regret?: not really

c u r r e n t
44..clothes:  Jeans and a t-shirt  one by one//simple plan
46..annoyance: Nothing for once lol
47..smell: none
48..desktop picture: Simple Plan youre reading:  this gay ass one for world lit cd player:  mix dvd player: boy meets world

a r e | y o u
52..understanding: yeah yepp
54..arrogant: I would answer that if i knew what it meant =/ lol
55..insecure: Sometimes
56..interesting: sure why not lol
57..random: somethimes
58..hungry: i just ate When i try to be
60..moody: I wouldn't say so
61..hard working: when i'm determined
62..organized: not at all
63..healthy: maybe
64..shy: not at all
65..attractive: ?
66..bored easily: yes
67..messy: very bad lol

r a n d o m
68..In the morning i am: tired as fuck and crabby and want to go back to sleep
69..all i need is: Friends and Family is: unexplainable
71..I dream about: everything

o p p o s i t e s e x
72..what do you notice first: Smile and Hair and Eyes
73..who makes you laugh the most: idk
74..who makes you smile: alot of people
75..who do you have a crush on: hmm?

d o y o u e v e r
76..sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special: Once or twice
77..wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: when i havet to pee and im not by a bathroom lol < lmao hannah! i just kept that cuz it was funny! =) love ya!
78..wish you were younger: yeah! lol.. that way i didnt have to worry about anything

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s you like filling these out? Actually, yes lol or silver: silver
81..what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Um.. I don't remember lmao
82..what did you have for breakfast this morning?: ice cream lol you work out often? when i have practices and stuff
84..who would you love being locked in a room with?: Maybe mallory, we would probly end up killing eachother though! lol
85..could you live without your computer?:  No
86..would you color your hair?: I have before
87.. could you ever get off the computer?:  yes
88..hablas español?: No.. hola.. and that's about it many people are on your buddy list?: 200
91..tried drugs? never
92..hate? Certain people
93..wish? yeah
94..cant stand? shit talkers
95..last thing you said? I can't hear you! you last sang? Skater boy lol
98..favorite line?:  idk
99..nicknames?  Jo, Jordy, J-Shizzle (lol), Bubblez
100..last words?: I have to pee lol
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