Not the easiest post I've ever composed

May 21, 2008 08:48

As the subject says, this post won't be the easiest ever written. Not by a long shot. I fully expect to break off several times and have to return to it a short while later. But it needs saying, and I've intended to inform y'all about it for a fair while.

I guess the easiest way to put it would be to jump straight in to the point. I'd been feeling physically ill (nausea, dizziness, headaches) and emotionally clobbered (running the gamut from stressed and aggravated through to apathy and general "feeling down) for months. Going to see my GP a few months back led to him telling me that I had depression. In hindsight, this isn't such a big revelation, really. I'm surprised that I didn't see it beforehand. But there you go.

Oddly enough, knowing that I'm depressed has made it seem worse. I've nigh on ceased to function effectively in many areas of my life. My work quality is down (something I'm not happy with, regardless of how satisfied my supervisor claims to be). When I get home in the evenings, I really feel like sleeping. And I've become unreliable. It's the last point that prompted me to write this in the first case.

Elaborating on the above, I've noticed that I've been missing things I previously said I would go to - training, social events, general "hang out" situations and the like. This is unfair on those who I said I would train / socialise / whatever with - especially situations like training, where my absence can sometimes completely prevent it from happening, due to lack of sufficient people to do the heavy lifting and safety stuff. Therefore, I figure that people have a right to know what's up. Hence this post - consider it "For your information". I've also spoken on the subject with my supervisor, and John seems very supportive about the whole situation.

Now for the upshot. I'm going to get past this. I'm going to be working with UCS to try and find a solution. It may take a while (UCS are currently very busy what with it being exam season. I've agreed to step back and allow the undergrads with exam problems and the like take priority. After all, their problems are more time critical than mine). But I'll get there, and I intend to put in the effort required.
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