Jun 06, 2004 17:55
Ok, so right now, its almost time to leave to go see Jessica Simpson. I'm excited about it!! Today has been a LONG day. This morning I woke up at 7:30 and took a shower and got back in bed. Later I woke up and got ready for church in 20 mins. I think that might be a record. Then at church I went to class and to actual church. I got to sit by Casey!! :) Five people have asked in one day if Casey and I are dating, but we just laugh.
Last night after our pool party, I said we might go to the movies, well we did. It ended up just being me, jackie, christy, and Adam. We saw the Harry Potter movie, it was actually ok, dont tell John I said that though. It was long, but i didnt fall asleep during so i guess that's good. Then Adam took us to Steak and Shake to meet Paul. Him, matt, daniel, jordan, and jordan's cousin "the pimp w/ a limp" were there. So we sat around and talked for awhile, and then we all went home. Matt tryed to throw rocks at me, but I ran from him so he couldnt. So that was the rest of my night. So i guess I'll fill you in tomorrow on the Jessica Simpson concert. I hope her hubby is there!!! Holla at ya girl!
<3 Jordan