(no subject)

Apr 29, 2004 03:21

wow its early... or late... whichever u prefer.. nadine's sick and i'm wired from work... I've been talking to nette all night which is nice cause she's kept me sane.. a few hours ago i was reading the www.darwinawards.com its so strange how dumb some people are. I got to spend some time at work today with Sarah, i missed her.. it was good to see her again.
Miriam came to visit on monday, we hung out at nadine's house for a bit. Then I went with Nette to walmart to get a fishbowl and fish supplies for her black bulging eyed "gold" fish. Which she got to wrangle herself at wallmart cause the guy was a tool and didn't know wth he was doing. Its an awesome fish, but he could really use a name. Later nadine and me, met up with miriam, blaine and tiffany at tim horton's. Blaine bought them all out of the maple variety of donut. Nadine eventually got ahold of Brian and he came too. We then went to Tiff's dads house and played pool, listened to deftones XO and I got to be mira's partner. I gave Mira almost all my sex bracelets hopefully Blaine and her will use them wisely ^^d

Tuesday was a lazy day, I got up at 9ish but crashed again at like 11-12ish. Me and Nadine watched the punisher which wasn't all that bad, it was a decent quality copy atleast.

Wednesday (sort of still today) We baked cookies! well more like nadine baked and I talked like I was making them, I just molded and put on the pan and burned them when i got the chance. At work I had someone drive off and not pay for there gas and my boss got all mad and groucy about it... sometimes i think he's bipolar. He'll go from happy to serious in like seconds... kinda scary.

After work I sat and ate spagetti and watched the newlyweds on mtv.. that jessica simpson makes glue look smart

Then I decided I would buy some stuff, so I shopped online for some new band shirts. When they come i will take pictures.... maybe....

Anyway its almost 4am so sleep is calling me.

almost forgot - Stolen from Nadine's LJ:

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