Dec 09, 2004 01:11
borrowed from kevin:
[Name] Jordan
[Nicknames] Jordy
[Screen name] misguided.self.pity
[Birthday] dec 17, 84
[Astrological sign?] sagitarius
[Chinese zodiac sign?] rat maybe?
[Location] home
[Color] black, blue
[Number] 13
[Animal] jessica, owen, lola, fishies X a billion
[Vehicle] 1996 Sunfire GT
[Flower] blue roses
[Scent] Gogo heavy duty soap
[Drinks] iced tea, sunny d
[Fruit] peaches, cheeries
[Soda] cherry coke
[Authors] max haynes
[Bands] atreyu, the used, see my website
=Do you...=
[Color your hair?] No
[Twirl your hair?] no
[Drink/Smoke?] drink once and a while
[Like cleaning?] Sadly, I'm OCD
[Write in cursive or print?] depends ussually its a combination
[Swear a lot?] sure do
=Have you ever...=
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] no
[Been in a wreck?] been close alot of times actually
[Been arrested?] no
[Been in a fist fight?] yep
[Kicked someone in the nuts] more then once
[Stolen anything?] no, borrowed maybe
[Held a gun?] pellet guns, and paint balls guns don't count right?
[Cheated on someone?] never even crossed my mind
[Been married?] i might as well be.
[Cried over a girl?] Yes
[Cried over a boy?] no
[Lied to someone?] yea all the time, i work in customer service
[Been in love?] am i ever
[Fallen for your best friend?] yep
[Made out with JUST a friend?] not that i can remember
[Been rejected?] yeah hasn't everyone?
[Used someone?] not really.
[Been cheated on?] not really
[Been kissed?] all the time
[Experimented with homosexuality?] no, but joke about it daily
[Current mood] full
[Current music] mcr - i'm not okay
[Current taste] pizza
[Current hair] still has gel in it
[Current smell] i can smell coffee from my uniform
[Current thing I ought to be doing] sleeping maybe?
[Current windows open] msn windows, LJ, winamp, webpage, emo forum, notepad, dieselsweeties, abc, etc etc
[Current desktop picture] home made one with friends on it
[Current crush] ?? ummm i like orange crush
[Current favorite celeb] jack bauer, bert
[First best friend] daniel something
[First real date] can't remember
[First real kiss] first real real kiss: nadine
[First screen name] himura, rico
[First self purchased album] i used to get them for x-mas so umm korn
[First funeral] one i actually remember was my grandfather (definately the sadest too -tear-)
[First pets] jessica(cat), buttons(hamster)
[First piercing/tattoo] my labret
[First credit card] visa
[First big trip] across the US to florida
[First musician you remember hearing in your house] supertramp/genesis
[Last car ride] coming home from work tonight
[Last kiss] nadine as i left work
[Last good cry] its been a while.
[Last library book checked out] don't have a library card
[Last movie seen] the grudge
[Last beverage drank] coke
[Last food consumed] pizza sub
[Last phone call] customer (whats your gas price?)
[Last time showered] 2:10pm today b4 work
[Last shoes worn] my globes
[Last item bought] pizza sub
[Last annoyance] work
[Last disappointment] i get dissapointed by certain people sometimes. no biggie
[Last time wanting to die] early december maybe last year
[Last time scolded] prolly a few days ago, but its always been more of a nagging thing.
[Last shirt worn] shell/deftones italia
[Last website visited]
Today I slept till like 1:00pm-ish, it was very nice. I'm almost done all my Christmas shopping I just have to pick up some stocking stuffers and like 2 gifts for my parents. hoping to actually work on my webpage in between tomorrow and friday, but only time will tell. I'm growing my hair out, its longer then its been in a long time and its getting hard to make it stand up anymore. I can't wait to see some people over the christmas break, I feel like I haven't talked to some of you in years.
if anyone has a decent picture of themselves could they send it to me so I can add it to my collection I'm hoping to put on my website? please and thank you.