Today its been officially declared that more Americans have died in Iraq/Afghanistan than they did on 9/11. This makes me extremely upset but I'm glad that such an important statistic has come out. Americans really need to wise up and realize that our government officials are the real problem. The death toll numbers are increasing everyday despite the fact that the news as well as the government had told us that things would improve dramatically after the capture of Sadaam. If they really are helping the Iraqi people, as they claim to be, then why have more Iraqi civilians died than any other group of people during the war?
This website puts a lot of things into perspective for me, and hopefully many other U.S. citizens. Each of those drops of blood represents a death, and for what reason? Nothing has come out of this war except for the loss of thousands of mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, friends, husbands, and wives.
Out of the 51 key republican leaders only 4 of them served in the military, and only one of them was actually in combat. They have no idea how great of an impact they are causing on the lives of thousands, if not millions of people. I'd like to see Bush explain to a 5 year old why her mother never returned from her business trip overseas.