Hey everyone. Hows life treatin' ya? I found this at TWoP, but you'll only get it if you watch One Tree Hill. It hilarious, lol.
On the first day of Christmas, Schwahny threw at us. . .
12 scenes of The Chad a-squintin'
11 childish pranks
10 bitchy fights
9 times of Peyton 'cryin'
8 contrived points of plot
7 scenes that makes no sense
6 scenes we've seen before
5 ugly things (worn by PoserBoy, aka, Chris)
4 times Nathan should be slapped aside the head
3 scenes of EvilDan
2 scenes too many of the Mouth
a lame ass, boring, jour-ney!
And, to top off my wonderful weekend, Sophia Bush was punked! I'll posted some animations of it here. She was such a sweetie....awww....
<-- Britney Snow, btw.
lotsa love from your Hill obsessed friend,