Feb 13, 2004 20:50
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | blink 182 ]
>1. Starting Time: 8:51 P.M.
>2. Name: Jordan
>3. Best Friend: Nicki
>>4. Sexiest Friend: Jamie
>5. Funniest Friend: Nicki
>6. Smartest Friend: Jamie
>7. Dumbest Friend: haha Nicole
>9. Most Boring Person: Tori Hall
>>10. Who Do You Get Advice From: Nicki
>11. Height: 5'3"
>12. DOB: 11.22.86
>13. Righty / Lefty: righty
>15. Shoe Size: 8
>16. favorite toe: baby toe
>17. You Crack Any Body Parts: my fingers and back
>18. Pets: Puggy,Jeffery,Savannah,and Doogie
>19. Siblings:Ashley and Camrin
>20. E-mail: Jordie_86@hotmail.com
>21. Boyfriend / Girlfriend: I wish
>22. Crush: its a secret
>23. Liked a Teacher: Porusta
>24. Killed Someone: no almost killed my sister though
>25. Laughed So Hard You Peed Your Pants: Nope
>26. Ate A Tub Of Ice cream: nope lol
>27. Ran Into A Glass Door: screen door
>28. Went Into Rotten.com: ummmm no
>29. Gone Skinny Dipping: yes
>30. Gotten Hit By A car: my mom almost hit me with her car
>31. Ran Into A Parked Car: haha no
>***Which One Is Better****
>54. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
>55. KFC or McDonald? KFC
>56. Cats or Dogs: Dogs
>57. Coffee or Tea: Tea
>58. Sour or Sweet: Sweeeeet
>59. Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
>60. Cake or Cookies: Cake
>61. Day or Night: Night
>62. Lights On or Off: Off
>63. Summer or Winter: Summer
>****Your favourite****
>64. Food: Potato skins
>65. What nationality r u? norwegian,french,irish,scotish
>66. What language do u speak: English
>67. What Stationdo you listen to: rock 101 and 105.5
>68. What do you look for in a guy externallly: if hes hot or not
>69. WHat do yo look for in a guy internally: Humor, kindness, happiness
>71. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: doctor
>72. Define True Love: when all you can think about is that person
>74. Hugs or kisses?: Kisses
>75. Favourite Day Of The Week: Friday night
>77. Bedtime: 9:30
>78. Time now: 8:57