so much updating in one day!
so... I was walking home from work and apparently
this was happening. Michael White gave me my free sandwich personally, if that means anything to anybody. I was just asked on the street if I wanted a free sandwich from a world famous chef, and seriously have you met me, you had me at 'free sandwich'. there were little signs mentioning prizes (one of which was a year's supply of godiva, enough said) and it said to check your plate.
the little thing came all wrapped up in foil and when I started opening it and walking away, I thought that the little blue card was in all of them and was just the 'plate.' apparently I'm an idiot and it was actually a card that said 'YOU'RE A WINNER' (I'm hanging it near my desk for a pick-me-up when homework gets too scary). on the back it said 'you won the grand prize, tickets for two to the sobe festival weekend' which is apparently two days more than the weekend but I'm okay with that. it's in South Beach and... I kind of want to go.
sometimes these little coincidences make me so happy, like for some reason I got this really intense urge to walk down Lafayette instead of staying on Mercer or just following the lights and traffic and if I hadn't done that, I never would have passed it.
anyway, I just was trying to find out exactly what I 'won' because it was all kind of cryptic, despite the fancy little card. a woman in an unmarked jacket took down my not-too-personal personal information and was like congrats! and some other lady took a picture of me with the card. and it's funny, because there's basically no information on the internets about the contest for the chocolate or for this or for anything; the only 'contest' is for tickets to... get a sandwich. so for all I know, NBC is throwing me into cargo on a flight to Florida, giving me wine in a box and calling it a weekend.
but yeah, second bit of mindfuckery just because things are very strange today, someone just called me and started talking about how we met at a mentorship two weeks ago. I wouldn't have been so confused if she hadn't said my name first. THE WORLD IS GOING NUTS EVERYONE