Now you're doing the waltz with your murderer...

Mar 13, 2005 00:54

So Atreyu sucks. Fuckin horrible live. They had no chance at all following up Unearth's act. Wow through Norma Jean these fucking metal heads kept pushing eachother, but for Unearth the floor just opened up. It was sick. But yea I've been too busy to update in the past like month or whatever. The multicultural show was friggen awesome... minus Nebiha's mom is crazy and I missed my cue... anyway it went well.

CBF was on Wednesday and they put on an amazing show. I was so enthused by them, minus I randomly got this rush of like headache/pain/confusion so I sat down and probably fell asleep for a bit... I don't know I was feeling messed up. But yea, fuckin Tremblant on Monday so that's awesome.

If anyone likes fantasy I'd suggest R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elf Trilogy and even the whole Underdark series. It goes off on a limb with almost everything but if you enjoy pure pure evil, like family members killing eachother just to gain status kinda stuff, it's good. k I'm gonna go be a nerman and read.
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