I was unable to go to the Margaret Cho concert and I want a new lawsuit where I sue NIKE. They endorse...... Uh, meth dealers er something....... Right? Isn't that what the HELLS ANGELS are? I guess that is what they do. What do I know? Yves Lavgigne said that is what they are. I think there are cocaine and meth dealers around me. There are, I just can't name them. That's uh, just to say I don't know everything that is going on. I'll find out everything though. "It's a club requirement......" Someone said this. To do a Year and a days time in jail is a club requirement. ALEC at STR8 To The Point Body Piercing made references to this. He pierces the Suicide Girls. They have "SG" tattooed on their bodies. Why? Why do I have to do jail time to be in the club? What club? I read about the clubs in Yves Lavigne's books.... "S.S." = Sick Smiley (that's me) "G.G." = Goth Girl (she's the president of the Devil Dolls motorcycle club.) Put them together and you get "S.G." Read the comic book "Evil Ernie." That's me too. "E.E." That is me too, or Eminem -- "E.E." Yes, I'm the real Slim Shady. Me, Don Murphy.... "S.S." a club S.S. member. Just ask Ray, he was supposed to be my sponsor. I asked him for a "Smiley the Psychotic Button" tattoo. I asked him if he could do it. I'm not a club member. I'm not a secret club member. Someone took my tattoo request the wrong way. Now you know. I was skinny when Ray met me. I had a 30" waist. I worked out at an old Wrestler's Gym. Slim...... You did things I didn't ask you too. You put me in the hospital and now you want to claim.... You were helping me. Oh, the HELLS ANGELS were helping me... Yeah, right. Of course I don't know what NIKE is doing. I know Margaret Cho wanted me to endorse REEBOK and someone stenciled a NIKE swoosh on an orange Washington County Jail shirt when I went to court. What gave NIKE the right to do this? Who stenciled the NIKE symbol and why? I was refused medical treatment. I still can't picture things in my mind. I hope my brain function returns to normal. Misappropriation............. I'm not a Hells Angel or an OUTLAW...... Why do they think they can spend my money? Why does anyone think they can spend my money? They're tring to merge these two clubs together. How come SHARON is all the sudden an OUTLAW? DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! There are 12 of them Eminem..... Do you know what they are? 12 Black Shirts, Eminem..... Be careful if you are an attorney attempting to represent me. I heard about someone's "magic checkbook........" Do the OUTLAWS know that Sharon joined? I'm not a Devil Doll, not a Bandido, not a Pagan, Not a Gypsy Joker, not a Brother's Speed member, I don't claim any affiliation. Nor does my attorney. How did Sharon become an OUTLAW? You can only get a black shirt on the HELLS ANGEL Orange County web site if you are a club member. No more Pistons and Pitchforks? Leave my states. That is plural, as in where I live. The Northwest, Texas, Arizona (where you moved because my parents wanted to retire there.) My dad likes Arizona -- so you retired there. You ruined it for them and me. New Mexico, Canada, etc. Not turf, property. I don't plan on...... turf. Think I'll just sue instead. After the indictment....... I need an attorney, not a motorcycle gang. I think I've got one somewhere..........
"It's a club requirement......"
Someone said this. To do a Year and a days time in jail is a club requirement. ALEC at STR8 To The Point Body Piercing made references to this. He pierces the Suicide Girls. They have "SG" tattooed on their bodies.
Why? Why do I have to do jail time to be in the club? What club? I read about the clubs in Yves Lavigne's books....
"S.S." = Sick Smiley (that's me) "G.G." = Goth Girl (she's the president of the Devil Dolls motorcycle club.) Put them together and you get "S.G."
Read the comic book "Evil Ernie." That's me too. "E.E." That is me too, or Eminem -- "E.E." Yes, I'm the real Slim Shady. Me, Don Murphy.... "S.S." a club S.S. member. Just ask Ray, he was supposed to be my sponsor. I asked him for a "Smiley the Psychotic Button" tattoo. I asked him if he could do it.
I'm not a club member. I'm not a secret club member. Someone took my tattoo request the wrong way. Now you know. I was skinny when Ray met me. I had a 30" waist. I worked out at an old Wrestler's Gym. Slim...... You did things I didn't ask you too. You put me in the hospital and now you want to claim.... You were helping me.
Oh, the HELLS ANGELS were helping me... Yeah, right.
Of course I don't know what NIKE is doing. I know Margaret Cho wanted me to endorse REEBOK and someone stenciled a NIKE swoosh on an orange Washington County Jail shirt when I went to court. What gave NIKE the right to do this? Who stenciled the NIKE symbol and why? I was refused medical treatment. I still can't picture things in my mind. I hope my brain function returns to normal.
I'm not a Hells Angel or an OUTLAW...... Why do they think they can spend my money? Why does anyone think they can spend my money? They're tring to merge these two clubs together. How come SHARON is all the sudden an OUTLAW?
There are 12 of them Eminem..... Do you know what they are? 12 Black Shirts, Eminem.....
Be careful if you are an attorney attempting to represent me.
I heard about someone's "magic checkbook........"
Do the OUTLAWS know that Sharon joined?
I'm not a Devil Doll, not a Bandido, not a Pagan, Not a Gypsy Joker, not a Brother's Speed member, I don't claim any affiliation. Nor does my attorney. How did Sharon become an OUTLAW? You can only get a black shirt on the HELLS ANGEL Orange County web site if you are a club member.
No more Pistons and Pitchforks?
Leave my states. That is plural, as in where I live. The Northwest, Texas, Arizona (where you moved because my parents wanted to retire there.) My dad likes Arizona -- so you retired there. You ruined it for them and me. New Mexico, Canada, etc. Not turf, property. I don't plan on...... turf. Think I'll just sue instead. After the indictment.......
I need an attorney, not a motorcycle gang. I think I've got one somewhere..........
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