I am five months pregnant this week. That means, ladies and gentlemen, that I am at the halfway mark to pushing a little baby out of me. Visuals! Lovely visuals! Honestly, I can't believe how fast time is flying.
I'm due May 7th which means that realistically, Harper could come sometime in late April. That means that we only have 3 full months left of no-baby life: January, February, March. Way to blow my mind, world! As fast as these last few months have gone, I have a distinct feeling that the coming months are going to fly by even quicker. December is practically over because of how busy it is. January is a resting month but we'll be decorating the nursery. February is birthday month and a wedding here and there. In March, I have my last 5 weddings (so, dang, busy) and 3 baby showers! In April, I gotta get ready to actually birthe the little girl. WHAT THE HECK.
So, being 5 months is pretty great. I'm now at the point where I actually look pregnant and I'm pretty excited to keep getting bigger. The Dr. said that I'm right on track with weight and that everything is a rocking and rolling. I'm pretty sure I've felt her kick a few times but I can't be sure. The past few days my ribs have been aching because of everything moving and switching places inside of me, but I guess if that's the worst I have to deal with, I'm pretty darn lucky.
Harper is now the size of a banana and life is crazy!