Nov 05, 2006 22:16
How about some happenings of note?
Last weekend was a sort of strange one. With a bit of prodding from Christian, and an inflated paycheck expected, I decided it would be a good idea to drive to Frederick to buy a used Xbox for a drastically reduced price. So he, Evan and I hopped in the car and made the long, very pretty, and very windy drive there Saturday after I got off of work. We found the seller's house, and it was pretty much what I guessed: a mom selling her kid's box, although the kid wasn't sitting there crying while the mean college kids took it away- he got the cash himself and it's going towards an Xbox 360. So go figure.
Anyways as for Frederick, we weren't making that drive for just that, and we all ended up going for dinner at Famous Dave's, which is a barbeque-centric version of those 'family restaurants' with random crap all over the walls. But our waitress, Bonnie, was friendly and ex-goth, and the burgers were borderline ostentatious- seriously, a 1/2 pound patty with BBQ pork AND bacon? We went for it.
So we drove home and I was way too tired to go out, and so I missed all Halloween revelry and pooped everyone's party.
On Sunday I worked an event where I disappointed Fred Lazarus himself. Not that it mattered, because he'll never remember me! Whooo.
Classes went well as I could ask for, although Laura and I lamented over our Prints midterm; whoa, it did not go well.
Laura and I were working together and we watched the Scorcese version of "Cape Fear." Since school is just so generally busy I think this is the first movie I'd seen in maybe a month- and it was, ah, okay I guess. The cheek-biting scene was pretty "Whoa!" but everything else I already knew from TV countdown shows and that Cape Fear episode of the Simpsons.
But hey, then Friday night Laura, Ally, and Jen came to our place and watched "Night of the Living Dead" with me and Christian. Hey, that's a pretty good movie. A classic ending. A classic ending which would be ripped off in the movie Christian and I then watched last night, "Cabin Fever." What a weird, just-sort-of-okay movie. There are some really gross scenes, sure, but what is UP with the "pancakes" kid? Seriously? I don't think Eli Roth, the director, has as much a sense of humor as people think he does- all the characters are completely hateful and no one acts funny except random spurts of completely unexpected quote-unquote humor. Okay that ends my movie review section, but I guess I'm just all jazzed up about it 'cause I haven't seen any in a while.
Hey what about my work? Comics are coming, well, sort of. At the moment I'm taking a little break from comics in thesis so I can try some new stuff, but comics are still in the mix here and there. I'm finally getting really into the kid's book I'm doing in senior thesis, so that's exciting.
Closed Caption Comics got some real exposure after SPX, too! That's pretty exciting. I'm glad to be a part of it, there's so much cool art coming out of the group that it's really good to join in. Sammy Harkham apparently is interested in selling stuff from them, and Tom Spurgeon put the group blog on his site. I gotta post there soon!
Okay that's about it for now. I'm posting from my first shift at Campus Safety- bugging people for IDs and calling shuttles basically. It's real nice and cozy in the Main Building after dark- all yellow and glowy. And Laura even brought me dinner. What would I do without her? Probably play Tony Hawk Underground 2 on my Xbox all day. And that's no good. No good at all.