Papercraft Ambulance (for "War of the Dead") - Front View
At the end of the last game, we had the classic "dumping of Adventure Cards" that seems to typify things: Someone will have gotten through the game and still have a chance to play an Adventure Card, so he decides to play one with some effect that'll hold over to the next game, such as finding useful equipment, finding a new ally, finding a stray animal, or, in this case, finding a new vehicle. In particular, the request was for an ambulance, and I figured that this close to an urban center it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
Papercraft Ambulance - Back View
Toy cars from 1:50 to 1:43 scale seem to run from about $6 to $10 in general. Sometimes I've gotten lucky and found something cheap in a thrift store, but both of the decent "find cheap broken toys" thrift stores in the area have closed down. (Seriously! Orlando is in such a downturn that the THRIFT STORES ARE CLOSING! Ahem. I digress.) The best options I've seen around here, actually, have been for a toy ambulance that sort of looked passable for about $7, and then the possibility of grabbing a Deluxe Cars toy for $10 or so and modifying it to do away with the cartoon anthropomorphized car face. 10 cents for a cardstock print seems quite the steal by comparison ... once I got around to putting together the design for the paper model, that is.
Papercraft Ambulance - Undercarriage
I might get some more mileage out of this by modifying the basic model to get a small cargo truck, reusing some elements from the trailers I did earlier, removing the light bar, and adjusting the proportions a bit (making the cargo portion larger in relation to the cab).