Dec 16, 2005 11:33
Last night Lisa Applebaum died in a car accident, and her friend who was in the car with her is in critical condition. They were both cheerleading captains at my curent school, and they were both ridiculously nice people.
Once again I am watching my school and the people in it crumble. Just the way it happened in Norwell with Brian. And its even worse here because I can't help anyone feel any better and i really want to. I want to be able to tell Laura that it's going to be ok, but it's going to take time. But I can't. The only way things will get better is if everyone helps everyone else pick themseleves up. It is long and hard, and no one will ever forget, and the next few months are going to be horrible, but it does get better. No one will ever be brought back, but you still have people around you to help.