Dec 12, 2005 18:15
So I hope that nobody ever has to explain Santa and Christmas to a 3-year-old over the phone.
This holiday which you can describe in 2 ways became very complicated...there's the whole church and Jesus route, which isn't really what 3-year-olds are interested in. So you go the Sanat route..but that gets complicated too bacause toddlers have the ability to pull questions out of their asses like no other. I love little kids but I really don't know where they get their questions from..who thinks like that??But i passed. Santa is alive and well in my cousins world thanks to me. She called crying because some kid told her Santa wasn't real so she called me bacause I am the one who always reads "The Night Before Christmas" so you know...part of the responsibility i guess..whatever..i felt loved and i feel like a hero because my aunt was panicked and i mean when you're 3 there has to be a santa you know? you cant kill santa before like 10..and that's early...
alright life is amazing. natural high...instead of totally crashing and going through horrible withdrawal i am having a natural high..quite odd. But off to hw haven't started yet and I have a shitload.
x's and o's to all