So... what is it that you love so much about Perry/Jordan? I'm quite surprised that there hasn't been a post about this before... and in an attempt to get this comm more active, I decided to be the one to do it
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Oh this is a great discussion to start! Once we have talked about this I'd love to talk about other stuff as well, like what we think the future might hold for them. But especially their past(s). Both individually and as a couple. We get so little info on them but the little bits we do get are tantalising. If we piece them together with our own ideas, we could build a little semi-canon history :)
Anyway! Back to the question at hand. Vibrant is a great word for the both of them. I love the energy between them, it's always intense and passionate whether it's love or anger. Even though they're in a comedic world something about their relationship seems so real, I think because it's not romcom love, it's gritty pissy love that also has real beautiful moments in it. They're both funny and charismatic, alone and together. Like you say, it's never boring because you never know what's going to happen. And exactly - not in the will they won't they annoying JD/Elliot way, but in a fun playful kind of way. And through all their ups and downs there's a feeling of destinedness about them, like they are the loves of each other's lives whether they like it or not. The nasty moments make the sweet ones even sweeter. And I love the idea of being sort of in on it with them, like we know they really care for each other even though to the other characters they put on the act of hating each other. They both have such interesting histories and personalites. (I love the character of Ben). And it feels like there's chemistry between them, whether that's the characters or the actors. They're fun and nice to watch.
Okay, I could probably ramble forever but I'm stopping there.
I have a question - what was your first impression of them? If you've watched the show from the beginning what did you think of Jordan when you first saw her? and then realised she was his Ex Wife? Did you only start liking Perry when you saw his adorable weakness for Jordan? Were you surprised when he revealed who she was? Did you always want them to get back together? Or if you just tuned in one time did they instantly strike you as awesome or did you grow to love them?
Personally I loved Jordan as soon as she came in. Her ballsyness and sassy funny easy control with just the tinest hint of vulnerability. There's something very seductive about her. And before that I'd thought Dr Cox was great so their unfolding relationship just became increasingly delicious, and the more I got into it, the more I liked both of them - together and individually. I was so hoping they'd get back together and they did. And now Jordan spices up any scene she's in.
they are just my fav couple on the show i like the others but they are way not as good ...i started watching in season 3 because in australia they like never really showed it much and by then they were already back together ....but i liked them so much better after seeing the earlier seasons cause you get there like back stories .
Once we have talked about this I'd love to talk about other stuff as well, like what we think the future might hold for them
I sometimes think the only thing left for them to do is getting married again. But then I'm not sure I want them to, maybe that wouldn't be the ending they deserve cause that's what you expect from a normal couple and they're just not like that. I could picture them buying a house though which would be a huge step and a major commitment. But maybe they don't need something big to happen , I would be happy if the last thing they showed would be Perry coming home from work to Jordan and the kids and they would just smile at each other. Cause really, they've got it all.
Loved her the minute I saw her. Of course, I'm slightly biased toward Christa from Drew Carrey...but the bitchy attitude made me smile.
I fell for her the minute she tells JD, "I don't hate you. I nothing you."
Cox was the same way. His golden heart showed through that tough exterior right away for me. I'm so happy that those two got back together (especially after he has her in the patient's room xD)
Anyway! Back to the question at hand. Vibrant is a great word for the both of them. I love the energy between them, it's always intense and passionate whether it's love or anger. Even though they're in a comedic world something about their relationship seems so real, I think because it's not romcom love, it's gritty pissy love that also has real beautiful moments in it. They're both funny and charismatic, alone and together. Like you say, it's never boring because you never know what's going to happen. And exactly - not in the will they won't they annoying JD/Elliot way, but in a fun playful kind of way. And through all their ups and downs there's a feeling of destinedness about them, like they are the loves of each other's lives whether they like it or not. The nasty moments make the sweet ones even sweeter. And I love the idea of being sort of in on it with them, like we know they really care for each other even though to the other characters they put on the act of hating each other. They both have such interesting histories and personalites. (I love the character of Ben). And it feels like there's chemistry between them, whether that's the characters or the actors. They're fun and nice to watch.
Okay, I could probably ramble forever but I'm stopping there.
I have a question - what was your first impression of them? If you've watched the show from the beginning what did you think of Jordan when you first saw her? and then realised she was his Ex Wife? Did you only start liking Perry when you saw his adorable weakness for Jordan? Were you surprised when he revealed who she was? Did you always want them to get back together? Or if you just tuned in one time did they instantly strike you as awesome or did you grow to love them?
Personally I loved Jordan as soon as she came in. Her ballsyness and sassy funny easy control with just the tinest hint of vulnerability. There's something very seductive about her. And before that I'd thought Dr Cox was great so their unfolding relationship just became increasingly delicious, and the more I got into it, the more I liked both of them - together and individually. I was so hoping they'd get back together and they did. And now Jordan spices up any scene she's in.
I sometimes think the only thing left for them to do is getting married again. But then I'm not sure I want them to, maybe that wouldn't be the ending they deserve cause that's what you expect from a normal couple and they're just not like that.
I could picture them buying a house though which would be a huge step and a major commitment. But maybe they don't need something big to happen , I would be happy if the last thing they showed would be Perry coming home from work to Jordan and the kids and they would just smile at each other. Cause really, they've got it all.
I fell for her the minute she tells JD, "I don't hate you. I nothing you."
Cox was the same way. His golden heart showed through that tough exterior right away for me. I'm so happy that those two got back together (especially after he has her in the patient's room xD)
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