He wasn't sure where he was. He could only gather so much information about his surroundings by looking around. It was Earth. But this wasn't the Earth he was familiar with. It was... so different. It reminded him of pictures of the past he'd seen in old books. It lead him to believe he'd somehow ended up in the past. Poor Quatre was entirely
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Having finally been found by the porter just outside Camilla's room, Bran had been introduced to his own, down the hall a way. He and Gwenno had settled in for the evening, people watching from his window, getting a feel for the place and the mannerisms of the people. The new day, however, he and Gwenno had both been a little stir crazy. He couldn't just wait for Lord Asriel to call him. Bran was a growing boy and a curious one at that. He and Gwenno were now romping a bit on the grassy courtyard, his dark clothes and pale features almost blurring as they ran cheerfully along. Gwenno bounced and bounded around him, the sounds of cheeful laughter and playful barks drifting around the mostly quiet courtyard. They'd been at it for a good half an hour to forty five minutes now and finally they began to settle. Still walking, they left the courtyard and moved through more of the college archways, panting a little and trying to catch their breaths.
Rounding a last curve, Bran collapsed on a nearby stone stairway not at first seeing the other pale boy nearby. His cheeks were still flushed below the line of his sunglasses and he was still feeling heady from the exertion, Gwenno settled next to him, her head in his lap where he ran his fingers over her head. "Iechyd da, Gwenno!" He gave a heaving breath that was more of a sigh. "Pa bryd y daw?" He finally took more notice of his surroundings and saw the other boy. It took him a moment to gather his wits and switch back to the proper language. "Ahh, hello, sorry have we disturbed you?"
He looked back down at Brienne, watching the feline shortly until he heard the unknown man speaking. Quatre turned his head, blinking softly as he watched Bran. "N..no, you haven't disturbed me, it's fine." He smiled softly.
Bran took advantage of the time it took Quatre to realise he was being spoken to to observe the young man. He actually looked about Bran's age, and with the pale hair and blue eyes he reminded Bran of Camilla. When he finally gave what seemed to be a shy answer, Bran nodded. His breath was finally beginning to catch back up, and his chest stopped heaving quite so much though there was still a fine sheen of dampness across his forehead. He'd have to bathe before he went for any meals. The boy had the air of someone a little lost, though he seemed content to sit on the steps and take in the world around him. An observer.
"My name is Bran, I'm new." he stretched out a hand and Gwenno shifted to lift her head off his lap so he could reach easier. "And this is Gwenno." He was careful not to let on that he was not from this world, it would be enough to hear the accent and know it was foreign. New of any type could easily be passed off. Speaking of accents, this boys was definitely not something he recognised immediately. "You're not English?" He asked rather bluntly, though not unkindly. Just youthful curiosity.
Brienne stayed on the side of Quatre that was farthest from Bran and Gwenno. Probably because Gwenno was a dog, and she herself was just a cat. There was no shame in being cautious. "My name is Brienne," The Daemon said, before Quatre got a chance to introduce her. She sat up straight, watching Bran and his Daemon.
The blond shook his head. "I'm not. I'm Arabian, and a..little bit European." He brushed his bangs out of his eyes, glancing straight ahead at the roads before he looked back at Bran.
"Well welcome to Oxford, you're even farther off the beaten path than I." Bran said amiably. "Tidy place to get your education, they say. I'm still regularly getting lost." He scratched his nose and then pulled his sunglasses off to gaze at Quatre with tawny golden eyes.
"Ah, I've just arrived here, you could say." He smiled. People would probably think he were crazy, if he said he was from a world with computers, colonies in outer space... It was probably best to pretend he just fit in. Like he'd moved there. He was good at the whole incognito thing, as the rest of the pilots were.
"I hope I don't get lost," He voiced, out loud. He probably wouldn't. Doubted he would. Quatre was good at finding his way around when he was in a new environment.
"Do you know where you're headed? I might be able to help you find the way." In truth he didn't have much hope for it on his own, but if there was a person they'd met already, Gwenno could pick up a scent and manage to get them there. He thought it only polite to offer his help. "But it is nice out here today." He closed his strange eyes and sniffed in slowly, holding his breath and letting the scent of cool stone and fresh cut grass settle inside him, sunlight warming his skin. He let out the breath and opened his eyes finally smiling at Quatre. "The good weather has made me lazy today. Gwenno and I have had a bit of a frolic on the quad and I think I will sleep well tonight."
"Hm, I'm not sure where I'm headed.." He turned his head skyward, looking up at the clouds. "Maybe I've started off lost; that sounds a little strange, though." He laughed, leaning forward on his elbows. He was careful of Brienne, making sure he left room for her on his lap.
At the others last words, it reminded Quatre that he had no where to sleep that night. He didn't know where he was, it was an unfamiliar place. In an unfamiliar time. He sighed. Well, when the sun went down, he'd cross that bridge, then.
"I.. think I could get used to this." He could get used to many different situations. If Quatre could get used to twenty-nine sisters, two wars, going temporarily insane, and then adapting to a peaceful life, he could certainly adapt to this new world.
He gave a sigh at Quatre saying he could get used to this. "Hmm, you've got a leg up on me then. The whole Oxford thing has been a little difficult to take in. I suspect I'm just being stubborn though." He ignored Gwenno's look of 'at least you admit it'.
He laughed softly. "Well, perhaps soon, you will be used to it." It would be more convenient than not, if they were stuck here. He didn't think they were(he hoped they weren't; he had family, and the Maganacs). But, incase, it would be better to be used to it than not. "It doesn't seem like such a bad place, though."
Bran was also unsure if he wanted to be used to this place. In some ways it was so much better than home. But for as many people at home who made his life difficult, there were those on the farm who he already missed. And of course Will but he only saw Will once a year. "Perhaps." He responded quietly. "I have only been here a day, so I can't tell how good or bad it is. From the things I heard, there are as many problems here as there were where I am from. But some of it truly is wonderful." His hand found Gwenno's head again, and he was petting her with slow even strokes. He laughed quietly. "And after-all, it is Oxford, you can't do much better for educational knowledge. They have an amazing library we have access to, I understand. And I have been free to move about as I choose."
But he liked how this place didn't seem to have the mounds of technology that his world did. No colonies, for one thing. He could tell just by the atmosphere that this, certainly, was a more olden-day time. It would be a little relaxing, if not enjoyable.
"I'll have to do some exploring, then." He smiled, glancing down at Brienne, who was now curled up contently in his lap and appeared to be sound asleep with her paws kneading at the side of his leg. Freedom, and a nice environment like this... It was almost like a vacation. A strange vacation.
He did not move away just yet, waiting for acknowledgement from the boy. He assumed the boy was planning on staying outside a while longer and his daemon looked quite comfortable. But he did not want to leave until he was certain that the boy had no plans of coming along.
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