I'm on a banana kick lately. I was visiting Dev Bentham and had one in the car with me, and it was all overripe and kind of gross, and she suggested I freeze it and eat it that way. So I did. And it was interesting! Actually, she told me it was like eating ice cream, and while I wouldn't go that far, I'd allow that it does taste like some weird natural ice cream substitute bar from the health food store. And it's cheap!
Peel them, stick them on a plate and freeze them. Once they're frozen I put them in a baggie. Less messy to eat sliced up. But sometimes I just gnaw on the whole frozen thing like a caveman...with a freezer...and access to bananas.
I took on a new responsibility teaching a water aerobics class, and it kind of kicks my ass (not gonna lie.) While I realize the amount of potassium in a banana is kind of overrated*, according to this article, they're
better for you post-workout than Gatorade.
*legumes, baked potatoes and leafy greens are better sources