So I noticed my site was hideously out of date. There is a "coming soon" page there but it was really neglected. I'll need to put that on a schedule and keep it up to date! But since "coming soon" is potentially the most interesting thing for a reader, I thought I'd do a more current rundown here.
The box set
Psychic Storm released this week. It's a co-project with 9 other independent urban fantasy authors, and Among the Living was chosen as the sole m/m book of the bunch. It's only 99¢ so be sure to check it out and recommend it to your friends. If you enjoy urban fantasy, it's a good way to find some new-to-you authors!
Gomez Pugh is in the studio recording the audio for PsyCop 4, Secrets.
I'm getting ready for my Mnevermind 3 cover reveal, February 11. The preorder will be available shortly after that, and the final chapter of the Mnevermind Trilogy will release on February 24.
Right now I'm working on a standalone palate cleanser short story that'll probably be around 10-12000 words, and after that I'll shift into the Crash PsyCop novel that I tried to start a year ago but wasn't quite ready to write.
READERS - if there are any topics you'd like me to blog about for the Mnevermind release, let me know! I'd love your input!