More British Leftists are "Getting It" on the Muslim Menace

Aug 07, 2008 16:14

Some good news from the British front on the Soft Jihad:

"Archbishop is helping Muslim men oppress women, say black feminists," by Damian Thompson in the Telegraph:

The Archbishop of Canterbury is helping "create the space for the most reactionary and even fundamentalist religious leaders to take control of minority communities", according to an article in the current New Statesman.

For everyone's benefit, the New Statesman is a fairly left-wing organ. That this is being printed at all means that the British Left is starting to wake up to the reality that the Muslims are NOT THEIR FRIENDS.

The author, Pragna Patel, is chair of Southall Black Sisters, a radical feminist organisation. It may be a strident, dogmatic, Left-wing pressure group, but it's right about one thing: Rowan Williams's support for an extension of Sharia law, later backed by the Lord Chief Justice, is utterly indefensible in a secular society.

And the fact that this is a "strident, dogmatic, Left-wing pressure group" is very good news. A few years ago, no British Left-wing group would have dared oppose something "multi-cultural" and "tolerant to immigrants," no matter what the provocation. The British Left is evidently starting to grasp that (1) the Muslims hate them at least as much as they hate the British Right, and (2) the Muslim objectives are entirely at odds with those of the Left, even more so than with those of the Right.

"The sentiments recently expressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chief Justice concerning sharia law are very telling: in the rush to be tolerant or sensitive to religious difference, they create the space for the most reactionary and even fundamentalist religious leaders to take control of minority communities, and they enable a climate which allows religion to define our roles in both private and public spaces.

"Their sentiments appear contingent on the false assumption that black and minority cultures are intrinsically opposed to universal human rights principles, and that they do not contribute to the body of law based on such principles that now inform the English legal system. In doing so, they allow religious and cultural contexts to become the overriding framework within which those from ethnic and religious minorities are perceived, inevitably drawing on very narrow assumptions about religion and the role of women."

Ms. Patel has got it, right on the nose. It may be significant that, by her name, she is probably of Hindu descent: British Muslims would be mostly of Pakistani descent, and hence exceedingly hostile to Hindus (as in "genocidally hostile," as Hindus aren't even "people of the Book" and hence have no right in Muslim philosophy to live even with dhimmi status).

The Left is finally waking up! :)

dhimmitude, terror, britain, feminism, jihad, islam

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