"Is Obama an Enlightened Being?"

Jul 26, 2008 16:37

Courtesy of Mark Morford, SF Gate columnist, who is not kidding in his article "Is Obama an Enlightened Being?":


Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the ( Read more... )

obama, charismatic leaders, 2008 election

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banner July 27 2008, 02:04:50 UTC
I have seen evil men. My sister once belonged to a cult ran by a very evil (and crazy) man. So I'm pretty immune to charisma, having seen it close up at it's very worse. Obama is a marxist, a rather extreme one. He's also a racist, which is pretty funny when you consider he's half white. And he's also incredibly stupid, for someone in his position. I won't even get into the issues of his being incredibly corrupt, (which is obvious to anyone who looks at all of his business dealings, political dealings, and friends in jail).

But, people are stupid. They see him and they think that a black man as president will bring them some redemption for all of the evil they believe that others have done (oh never -them- of course! it was other people that did it! And it can only be a black democrat, because black republicans aren't really black - they're white don't you know).

Obama is an over blown ego maniac. He's not very bright, (which is why he won't debate McCain, if he's not reading prepared statements he sounds like a moron), and for a guy in his station in life he's not at all experienced.

Will an Obama presidency destroy this country? Probably not. Will it ruin things as we know it? Only if we elect a democrat congress as well. Will we look back on it as one of the worse periods on American History? Without a doubt, until they clean up written history in the school books and re-educated people like they did with Jimmy Carter, who is without a doubt the worst President this country ever had.

And all those people who think he's something special? They are exactly what is wrong with our country today - too many morons.


jordan179 July 27 2008, 05:14:32 UTC
Without a doubt, until they clean up written history in the school books and re-educated people like they did with Jimmy Carter, who is without a doubt the worst President this country ever had.

I nominate James Buchanan for that dishonor. The country literally split in two on his watch.

You're right that Jimmy Carter was one of our worst Presidents, though. People who blame the Iranian Hostage Crisis on prior American-Iranian history are missing the point: the important part in terms of rating Carter was not the deep cause of the conflict, but rather how Carter handled it -- which was to freeze like a deer in the headlights. One should take it for granted that a Great Power will have enemies and that enemies will try to hurt that Power: the measure of a leader is how he repels or retaliates against such attacks. Other Presidents dealt with worse threats far more successfully.

Also right about the whitewash. Though I don't know how many people it really fools.


cutelildrow July 27 2008, 07:18:45 UTC
Colin Powell for President!


eric_hinkle July 28 2008, 18:04:27 UTC
If only!

But I hear that his wife would never, ever allow her husband to get involved in the massive snake pit that is modern American politics. Probably (on scodn thought, make that 'definitely') smart of her, but I still think that Powell might make a good president for this country.


cutelildrow July 28 2008, 22:46:39 UTC
haha, yeah it's smart of her. On the local front, there have been some reactions to the constant surveys marking the unpopularity of the president; saying that out of several presidents, she's the one with the lowest popularity rankings now.

And the violent reaction is "Who cares?! The job of the president is not to be popular, it's to do her job! Joseph Estrada was popular, and look what HE did to our nation!"


headnoises July 30 2008, 04:42:51 UTC
Powell/Rice 2012!
(partly to see the explosions)


Without a doubt, until they clean up written history in the school books and re-educate people... banner July 27 2008, 18:57:25 UTC
Just look at Dear Leader Comrade Kim Jong-Il for what rewriting history and re-educating the proles can do for you.

And all shall be drowned out by the chorus of:
"O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him,
O Come Let Us Adore HIIIIIIM --

and doublepluswarmfeelies for all babyboomers and partymembers!


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