Why do Jews vote Democrat?

May 12, 2008 07:36

Burt Prelutsky, at Townhall



If I am asked one question by my readers far more frequently than any other, it’s why do so many ( Read more... )

cultural, america, jews, political

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eric_hinkle May 13 2008, 16:32:58 UTC
I think it's long past time for American Jews to acknowledge that the old anti-Semitism of the American Right has long since moved to the lunatic-fringe and out of the Republican Party; and been replaced by a new anti-Semitism of the American Left. And what's worse, the old right-wing American anti-Semitism merely wanted to snub Jews: the new left-wing American anti-Semitism wants to kill them.

Based on what I've read in various books covering the American Far Right (by which I mean groups like the skinheads, the American Nazi Party, Christian Identity, etc.), I'd say that there's been plenty of "Let's Kill the Jews!" sentiment floating around the Right in America. Go and read Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's Black Sun for all the murderously anti-Semitic Far-Right lunacy you can stand.

Not to mention the sort of weird anti-Semitism you find in some Conservative Christian groups, who believe that since the Jews have reclaimed Israel, they have to recognize the truth of Christ's revelation as the Messiah and become Christians to bring about His return, and they're just being childish for not doing so (and oh yes, that's also why 'God' is 'allowing' the Jews of Israel to be brutalized by angry Islamists). I do not support, I merely report.

I'd say the big difference between the two is that Far Right anti-Semtism is acknowledged as vile and repulsive, while the wackier Leftists who espouse it do so under a pretense of "we just want justice for Palestine!" (which typically ignores that many Arabs who call themselves Israeli Arabs are doing much better than the Palestinians) and defend themselves when called on it by arguing that since the Jews are a religion, not a race, you can't possibly be biased against them. There is no Jewish race. So hating Israeli Jews doesn't make you a bigot. Umm, yeah.

Though few go as far as one very demented furry I knew of who bluntly stated that the best solution for our problems in the Middle East is to stop helping Israel, arm the Arabs and then just turn our backs while they 'cleanse Palestine' of the Jewish 'infestation'.


eric_hinkle May 14 2008, 22:35:48 UTC
Though few go as far as one very demented furry I knew of who bluntly stated that the best solution for our problems in the Middle East is to stop helping Israel, arm the Arabs and then just turn our backs while they 'cleanse Palestine' of the Jewish 'infestation'.

"'Cleanse Palestine' of the Jewish 'infestation'." -- That's a line worthy of Julius Streicher, NSDAP!


mindstalk May 15 2008, 07:02:20 UTC
"ignores that many Arabs who call themselves Israeli Arabs are doing much better than the Palestinians"

Ignore it? Hardly! If Israeli Arabs are doing better than the Palestinians, clearly the Palestinians should become Israeli Arabs! As a bonus, Israel can finally annex the land it really wants, in return for giving citizenship. Win-win! :)


jordan179 May 15 2008, 13:32:17 UTC
ignores that many Arabs who call themselves Israeli Arabs are doing much better than the Palestinians"

Ignore it? Hardly! If Israeli Arabs are doing better than the Palestinians, clearly the Palestinians should become Israeli Arabs! As a bonus, Israel can finally annex the land it really wants, in return for giving citizenship. Win-win! :)

You are ignoring the reality that the Palestinian Arabs want to destroy rather than join Israel. If Israel admitted the Palestinian Arabs to citizenship, within a generation Israel would cease to be, and what would replace it would be anti-Semitic, anti-Western, undemocratic, illiberal, violent and as much of a mess as the West Bank and Gaza.


mindstalk May 15 2008, 17:08:28 UTC
I disagree that your portrayal is in fact reality, nor do I think that the mess in the WB and Gaza right now is independent of Israel's actions.


jordan179 June 2 2008, 14:33:22 UTC
I disagree that your portrayal is in fact reality

Repeated public opinion polls have routinely shown very large majorities (70 to 90 percent) of Palestinian Arabs expressing a preference for the destruction of Israel rather than desiring to join or live side by side with Israel. Reality does not seem to be taking much account of how you wish it to be.


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