Shaaban Abdel Raahim, a hugely popular Egyptian singer, is releasing a song praising Barack Obama. This might be a good thing for Barack's campaign, if it were not for the fact that two of Raahim's other songs are entitled "I Hate Israel" and "Hey, People, It Was Only a Tower." There's a third one, title not given, which actually praises Osama bin Laden -- that one wasn't released, because it offended even the Egyptian government.
As the "Sandmonkey," an Arab blogger, points out, this is likely to be used against Barrack Obama by Hillary Clinton's campaign. He even outlines exactly how this might be done. I do believe that this would not only deeply offend Jewish voters, but also most moderates.
Stay tuned as the self-destruction of the Democratic Party continues this campaign season of 2008 -- which is shaping up to be a happier one for Republicans than I expected!