A new reason to strike Iran soon:
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071226/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iran_russia_weapons_4 Now, the S-300 is almost certainly being oversold, especially if it's going to be operated by the Iranians themselves. Among other things, American recon capabilities could pinpoint the locations of the ABM and radar sites, and stealth aircraft could knock them out. But, the presence of this system in Iranian hands would greatly complicate the planning of our strike, and increase the likelihood of American losses.
We need to strike before the Iranians can get this operational.
The Ayatollah Khameini: "Prepare to witness the capabilities of our fully operational S-300 ABM system!"
We can't count on Ahmenijihad having a change of heart when he meets his estranged son again and throwing the Ayatollah down the reactor shaft.