I am perfectly aware that Donald Trump is a very flawed human being, and worse is probably guilty of deliberate criminal fraud and possibly other felonies. However, the exact same thing is true of Hillary Clinton, with the addition of multiple murders. And ...
... Trump actually GETS that his number one job as President is going to be national
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They either "think" they'll all be appointed as vizirs in the caliphate or "think" they'll get the upper hand after they destroy what's left of the West. Each side believes the other is their useful idiots, and it's the useful idiots who are the first to go when they are no longer useful.
"It's totally two-faced of liberals to support Islam and LGBT": it's like I always say: if it weren't for double standards liberals would have no standards.
"I still don't trust Trump at all and it's going to take a hell of a lot of convincing to get me to vote for him".
I don't trust him either, and he was far from my first choice for a lot of reasons. It's regrettable that Republicans were every bit as star-struck over TheDonald™ as the Dems were over the Big O back in Ought 8. Another rank amateur, but at least he once organized communities and won elections. TheDonald™ has never run for any public office AFAIK. I'm also not sure he can even win against a pro like Hillary, especially when he can't seem to leave this business with Ted Cruz alone.
It's a long way to Election Day. Unforch, I live in a swing state. It would be different if I came from a solid red or blue state. That way, I could vote my conscience instead of a nose holding vote for the lesser evil.
Given that I live in a blue state, does that mean I'm going to have to vote for the lesser of two evils? :/
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