Sep 11, 2015 21:57
Fourteen years ago, the Islamists attacked us in a literal bolt-from-the-blue and murdered almost 3000 Americans, starting with over 100 civilians they had made captive and were under the Laws of War bound to protect from harm. In that action, they declared themselves not only our foes, but foes who were not entitled to the protections of those same Laws of War. In that action, they justified not only total war against them, but against any and all States which backed and sheltered them, or simply did not exert suffiicient efforts to root them out and utterly destroy them within their borders.
We chose, instead, to wage a very limited war against them, binding ourselves tightly hand and foot, while their combatants, when captured, were not even subject to war crimes trials for the crimes they had committed. We prided ourselves on doing this, with exactly the sort of pride that "goeth before a fall."
In consequence, one faction of Islamists is now in the process of conquering Syria and Iraq, while another in Iran is being allowed to acquire nuclear weapons by the most incompetent, and possibly treasonous President in American history, a man who bids fair to beat out James Buchanan (look him up) as the most disastrous President we've ever had. The situation is being set up for the first multi-lateral nuclear war in global history, while this strutting fool preens with triumph at his negative achievement.
I think that it is very likely now that within 5-10 years -- by 2020 or 2025 -- a Western city or cities will be destroyed or severely damaged by atomic attack -- possibly from Iran, possibly from Pakistan, possibly from the Caliphate itself. And I think ... i certainly hope ... that when this happens we will cast aside all restraint and respond with total war of our own against Islamism. (*)
When this happens, of course, millions, tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of Muslims will die.
This is what our self-restraint in the first phase of the Terrorist Wars will have bought. Those of you who urged restraint -- this will be the consequence of the choice you succeeded in having us make.
Enjoy the deaths of the women and children. You bought it, fools.
Well-meaning fools, but still fools
in conclusion; Never forget 9-11. Never forgive 9-11. And when the foe cries for mercy, give them the same mercy they gave the civilians they made prisoner aboard the four airliners.
Death to the Islamists! And 9-11 quarter to the foe!
(*) Why do I "hope" this? I don't hope that a Western city will suffer atomic attack, I hope that if such an event happens that we respond with total war against the attacker -- because if we don't, the alternative is that we will fight half-heartedly, and possibly lose.
terrorist war