Supreme Court Decisions

Jun 26, 2015 21:55

I am glad that the Supreme Court sustained the legality of same-sex marriage across the country.  It is my profound belief, based on the logic that marriage is a mutual choice between any two people who decide to unite their lives in love, that marriage should not be only allowed between persons of opposite sexes.  Marriage is not purely for the ( Read more... )

constitution, law

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igorilla June 27 2015, 13:10:38 UTC
All churches which refuse to wed the same sex couples going to lose their tax-free status


hastka June 27 2015, 13:47:22 UTC
Why do you think so? By analogy, if even a heterosexual Jewish couple went to a Catholic church and said "please marry us," and the church refused to marry them (in accordance with Catholic beliefs), I don't see how the couple would have legal standing to sue the church, or why that would result in the church losing tax-exempt status.


igorilla June 27 2015, 14:11:16 UTC
I'm not an American, so I've got no opinion.

Your arguments make sense to me, I'll bring them back to my American correspondents, thank you


hastka June 27 2015, 14:58:15 UTC
All I can ask is that I "make sense" on occasion. :)

That concern is one which I think drives fear for a lot of people in the US. Certainly it's possible to attempt such a lawsuit, but I don't grasp the mechanisms by which it would play out. Thanks for your own understanding and response.


montieth June 27 2015, 14:17:22 UTC
Because people in government are saying that they should. Given the profound amount of movement in the IRS scandal, it's likely to say this is going to happen.


benschachar_77 June 27 2015, 16:07:20 UTC
Maybe because they are already suing people for not being sufficiently pro homosexual marriage. Perhaps because when asked about religious liberty exemptions their reply was weak.


jordan179 June 27 2015, 16:27:37 UTC
So we should punish gays for governmental overreach? Why not punish politicians and officials instead?

In a related story, burning the Jewish ghettos really didn't help the medieval banking situation, either.


benschachar_77 June 27 2015, 16:59:34 UTC
I never said to punish anyone.

It isn't the government suing, it's the homosexuals. Though making an example of the pols is definitely important. Neither of them should have it but they are using it.


benschachar_77 June 27 2015, 17:01:31 UTC
I suspect that no one will touch muslims over this. I am interested to see if Christians will take a cue from their playbook after so long.


jordan179 June 27 2015, 17:44:35 UTC
The law actually opens Muslims to this possibility as well. If gays do, and the result is serious anti-gay Muslim violence in America,this is going to turn out badly for Christians as well.


hastka June 27 2015, 17:15:37 UTC
But are they already suing churches for that reason, and if so, successfully? And under which law? That's the issue raised here.

Bear in mind that I'm not talking about a wedding chapel type business which would marry ANY heterosexual couple regardless of church membership. I suspect they will be expected to be non-discriminatory about it on secular grounds. But that's not a religious institution ( ... )


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