On the Death of Talha Asmal, and Suicide Bombers in General

Jun 23, 2015 06:10

I'm extremely glad that Talha Asmal is dead.  He chose to go fight for the most clear manifestation of Evil in the modern world, and he picked a way (or had it picked for him by his cruel and insane leaders) which blew him to bits, thus disposing of the little knot of vileness that was his self.  If he has a soul, I hope it's burning in Hell, if there is a Hell.

Yes, he was 17.  Boo-hoo.  Being one year under the age of majority in the country that you willingly betrayed to fight for its enemies does not excuse deliberately sgning on to a military force famous primarily for its abuse of civilians, random murder of whoever violates its variable and insane laws-of-the-moment, and repeated rape and wrongful imprisonment of women.

I hope only that nobody about whose life I care was killed or injuried in the detonation which ended the existence of this thing in human form.  I'd call him a "dog," but I like dogs.

I personally think that, unless we have intelligence to be obtained by the interrogation of ISIS members, they should be shot out of hand , and in the case of suicide-bombers, self-detonated.  I'd say "in pigsties," but I like pigs more than I do ISIS members, and I believe that pigs have more right to live than do ISIS members.

Besides, the explosion would ruin the bacon.

Seriously, only when we stop pretending to ourselves that those who join the Terrorists are combatants like any other combatants and deserve the respect we would give other combatants will we start to win the psychological war.  Joining the Terrorists means voluntarily abandoning one's humanity; we must begin to acknowledge this.  Until we do, they will keep using our respect for other humans against us.

terrorist war

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