The TRUE Winning Entry in the Garland, Texas "Draw Muhammed" Picture Contest

May 08, 2015 22:28

The winning entry in the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammed" picture contest

It warms the cockles of my heart to know that Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi gave up their only lives to inflict a minor ankle wound on a security guard, and that they were so inept in their attacks that despite the fact that they were wearing body armor and carrying rifles, a Texas traffic cop with a pistol killed both of them. The radical Muslim community may think that they accomplished something -- but all they did was to demonstrate how very, very inept are the Terrorists, when they're facing armed Americans.

To the families of Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi -- how does it feel knowing that your kinsmen were such incompetent holy warriors? Or, honestly, are you just glad that you don't have to deal with those violent fools ever again?

terrorist wars, muslim, terrorism

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