Muslim Terrorists Attack Free Speech Event in Garland TX

May 03, 2015 18:50

Muslim terrorists attacked a Muhammed Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest at Garland, Texas.  Two terrorists attempted a drive-by shooting which wounded one security guard.  They promptly died in a hail of gunfire from the Garland police SWAT team that was also guarding the event ( Read more... )

terrorist wars, muslim terrorism, crime, terrorism

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eta_ta May 4 2015, 11:21:45 UTC
the event was canceled in an evacuation ordered by the police

terrorists won.


jordan179 May 4 2015, 14:20:13 UTC
One question is "Would the authorities have canceled another kind of event attacked in such a fashion?" It's certainly possible, since according to the reports I just read now, the Terrorists' pickup truck was left behind, and the police are afraid that there might be a bomb in the vehicle. They've also evacuated nearby homes and businesses for that reason.

It's obvious that the Terrorists may have been planning an attack similar to that which hit the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris.

The real problem is the lack of follow-up. We need to choke off the flow of Muslim immigrants, and we need to stop regarding mosques, etc. as sites too sacred to search. And if this makes American Muslims feel threatened, so be it: we need to put pressure on the Muslim community to report suspicious behavior before it reaches the point of armed and organized attacks.


eta_ta May 4 2015, 23:44:20 UTC
Agree. But it seems stopping muslim attacks is not the goal of law enforcement.


jordan179 May 5 2015, 07:35:34 UTC
Certainly not at the Federal level, under our current nithing of a President. Indeed, Obama has tried to define Muslim terrorism out of existence, by claiming that the Terrorists aren't "real" Muslims, and furthermore that the main terrorist threat in America comes from Constitutionalists.


hastka May 6 2015, 11:54:49 UTC
Is that different than saying people who bomb abortion clinics in the name of religion aren't real Christians? If you go around killing people who disagree with you, that's not a very Christian behavior by modern standards, even if the Bible somewhat endorses it!

That said, I agree as far as the level of apologism lately, and will address that in another response here in a minute. :)


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