Post-Mortem on the Baltimore Riots

May 02, 2015 12:47

IntroductionThe Baltimore riots are over.  The burnt wreckage of what had been the homes and businesses and vehicles of innocent human beings has cooled down.  Victims of cruel, random and racist beatings by the mob are beginning the long process of recovory from their injuries.  Many of the victims' dreams have been destroyed; in some cases the ( Read more... )

crime, politics, riots

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little_e_ May 3 2015, 06:06:14 UTC
Very thoughtful and well-written.
The Baltimore mayor was only incompetent if you assume her goal was to contain/stop/prevent the riots. I doubt this was.

That said, I would not be surprised if it were just incompetence.


jordan179 May 3 2015, 13:34:43 UTC
I don't see how the riots helped her political career, or how she might have thought it was going to help her political career, so I think what she was doing was trying to be or at least seem "enlightened" by letting the rioters "vent their rage." Mayor Dinkins of New York made similar mistakes in Crown Heights 1991 and Washington Heights 1992, which ended his political career. And modern Democrats tend not to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors: they have an almost-religious faith in the "correct" way to do things.


little_e_ May 3 2015, 20:38:20 UTC
Rioters vote, too.

New York is a quarter black (and that % is unlikely to grow much because of falling black birthrates in the city;) whereas Baltimore is close to half black and likely to become much blacker as the remaining non-blacks vacate the area. Long-term, there are a lot of people in Baltimore who will vote for her--or any black candidate on the Dem ticket.

Also, sometimes people have objectives besides their careers. Like supporting their own ethnic group against another ethnic group.


jordan179 May 3 2015, 21:05:37 UTC
Are most blacks really so dim that they don't see that allowing riots in their city or state is bad for them as well, especially as most of the property damage in this riot was to black homes and black-owned or operated businesses?


little_e_ May 4 2015, 07:11:25 UTC
After all, clearly somebody currently thinks this is a good idea.


justgin1978 May 6 2015, 15:25:40 UTC
Apparently the rioters never gave this a second thought. If they had, they wouldn't have rioted to start with. Thinking is not their forte (that's what white people and uncle toms do). Reacting is. They only seem to want to take from others what doesn't belong to them, which is what the government is already doing for them in the form of welfare and other freebies.


mosinging1986 May 16 2015, 16:03:56 UTC
Absolutely right. It's this sort of mentality, long ingrained, that leads to this sort of thing. Law abiding, hard working, responsible, decent people don't decide to riot and loot overnight, no matter the circumstances ( ... )


justgin1978 May 18 2015, 12:37:59 UTC
"Racist" is a useful term many blacks and even some whites use incorrectly so that they can excuse their own behavior while accusing us bad ole privileged white people! It disgusts me to no end that some whites actually buy into this and express their "white guilt"!! That galls me.

I think the only real catalyst for change within any/all black communities is education coming from their own kind. And even that won't happen until blacks stop thinking of and calling their educated members Uncle Tom's.

In other words, I do not see any change worth having coming any time soon. Jesus said "the poor you with always have with you..." The stupid too.


mosinging1986 May 18 2015, 15:43:01 UTC
It disgusts me to no end that some whites actually buy into this and express their "white guilt"!! That galls me.

You and me both.

Jesus said "the poor you with always have with you..." The stupid too.

Hahaha! You are so right! (If I believed in editing the Bible, I'd want this in. Seriously.)


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