IntroductionThe Baltimore riots are over. The burnt wreckage of what had been the homes and businesses and vehicles of innocent human beings has cooled down. Victims of cruel, random and racist beatings by the mob are beginning the long process of recovory from their injuries. Many of the victims' dreams have been destroyed; in some cases the
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That's not protest, that's sociopathy. I can understand (not condone, but understand) a protest that becomes so heated that a punch is thrown, or something is attacked, and then it escalates from there. But a premeditated riot is inexcusable, and all of those kids who showed up at the mall need to be tracked down and arrested.
That being said, I do have to say that Baltimore has no shortage of guns, legal or otherwise. I hate my states gun control laws as much as anyone, I'll gladly use any excuse for getting rid of them, but I honestly can't say it would have helped anyone in Baltimore. Everyone there who's comfortable having a gun has a gun, that's just a reality of everyday life in Baltimore.
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