George R. R. Martin -- A Giant, Shackled by Dwarfs, up on Fantastic Worlds

Apr 09, 2015 16:07

"George R. R. Martin --

A Giant, Shackled By Dwarfs"

© 2015


Jordan S. Bassior

Some people were surprised and others saddened when George R. R. Martin came out against the Sad Puppies 3 campaign to restore control of the Hugos to the fans, and expressed (some) support for the Scalzi cabal which is currently trying to control the nominations and voting.  I was not surprised, though I am still saddened, because George R. R. Martin is a great author, the sort who could succeed in the field even if the Haydens of Tor opposed him.

ASoIaF is an extremely good series, the sort of thing that will be read for pleasure a century or more later. It’s notable for the author’s grasp of the premises that (1) not all enmities can be neatly divided into good vs.evil, and also (2) nevertheless, some enemies truly are evil.


So,why does he hate the Sad Puppies?  Find out the shocking truth, on Fantastic Worlds.


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