Republicans Win 2014 Elections -- America Dodges a Bullet

Nov 05, 2014 10:30

The Republicans have swept the 2014 elections, picking up 7+ seats in the Senate and 10+ seats in the House of Representatives to secure majorities in both Houses of Congress.  This is a very good thing for the Republic, because the Democrats had been in the process of using the same techniques of voter fraud and the increasingly-credible threat of violence at the polls to convert the United States of America into a one-party state.  President Obama has repeatedly and blatantly ignored the US Constitution when governing.

Had the Democrats won the 2014 elections, the chances are very good that they would have been able to exploit the combination of a legislative minority and a wholly amoral and corrupt President and Attorney General to openly steal the 2016 elections.  This would have created a situation in which there would be no legal, non-violent way to oust the party in power, regardless of public opinion.  The remedy for that would have been violence:  coup, rebellion or revolution.

Even given the ideal possible resolution, a mostly-bloodless counter-coup carried out by the US military with fairly prompt restoration of the Republic and a proper prosecution of the former regime with due process and adherence to their Constitutional rights, resulting in enough punishment of the guilty to provide some deterrence to those who would attempt or execute future coups-from-above, such an event would mean the destablization of the Republic for generations to come.

Why is this?  Because, once it had been proven that American Presidents could be made and unmade without any real election, the possibility would be viscerally remembered by the politically-ambitious for at least a full Strauss-Howe Cycle (75-90 years)..  The chances are that sometime during that Cycle some ambitious President or would-be President -- someone smarter than the clownishly-idiotic Obama -- would attempt the very same thing, only with far greater care to keep the military loyal to him.

This is exactly how the Roman Republic fell, and exactly how most of the Latin American Republics established in the 1820's fell.  It is the standard trajectory of decline of any Constitutional Republic.

It is not a good thing that we let matters come to such a pass that the survival of the Republic, and of continued representative democracy in America, should hing on the outcome of a single election, or even pair of elections (2014 and 2016).  This is the sort of situation into which, when I was a young man, only Third World banana republics ever got.

Now that we Republicans are in charge again, we need to act during our period in power to make this less likely in the future.

Short-term, we need to focus on winning the 2016 elections -- we need to get a good President into office with a friendly Congress.  Mid-term, we need to ensure that at least some of those who have committed crimes under the Obama Administration are punished.  We should at least mount a credible threat of impeachment to Obama so as to keep him under pressure, and certain officials (such as the corrupt and racist Eric Holder and the despicable Lois Lerner) should be prosecuted and convicted.

We have a powerful ally here in Obama's own combination of grandiosity and personal cowardice.  Obama is very likely to try to dictate politics to the Congress, providing many opportunities for the Congress to humiliate him by hamstringing his policies, possibly at the most embarrassing moments.  This in turn will provoke Obama into illegal actions.  We can then prosecute and convict his tools, and make the price of Obama's non-impeachment be his non-pardon of them.

Why do I focus on punishing the guilty?  Because we want to make damn sure that a future Eric Holder or Lois Lerner, receiving illegal orders from the President, refuses to carry them out.  If we let everyone in the Obama Administration get away unpunished after they have used their offices to unconstitutionally abuse American citizens, then we are signalling future petty tyrants that it is a safe occupation.

Alternatively, if the mood builds sufficiently against Obama, we could impeach and convict him for his own high crimes and misdemeanors.  I know that it's conventional wisdom that this will never work, but that ignores bandwagon effects.  Did it look likely in 1972 that Nixon could be credibly threatened with impeachment and forced to resign his Presidency?  Obama is a proven fool, he no longer has a Congressional majority in either house to hide behind, and he has two years to commit more crimes and outrage the American people.

In the long run, we need to take back the educational institutions which are lying to and corrupting our younger generations.  This can be done either by reforming them, removing the worst offenders among their personnel; or alternately by encouraging the opening of new educational institutions which focus more on education and less on ideological indoctrination.  This is out of the range of anything that can be done in a single two-year Congressional term, but as long as we don't do it, we will have far too many younger people who will be far too willing to follow a wannabe dictator, like Obama.

And the next "Obama" may be more competent.

legal, 2014 election, constitutional, political

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