Will there be another major war in our lifetime? Will the missiles fly, and the mushroom clouds rise as colossal cenotaphs over the graves of entire cities? Will America once again be in a position similar to that which we were in 1945
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Your second sentence does not address your first sentence as fully as you imagine. Islam is a threat by infiltration (especially in Europe where they have opened their doors wide and invited the Muslims in) and due to its willingness to launch attacks without regard to retaliation.
The threat is not that Islam will conquer the world -- it can't -- but rather that Islam will do a lot of damage in the attempt.
The Muslim strategy is simple. Attack, induce non-Muslims to kill lots of Muslims by having Muslims kill lots of non-Muslims, and then when God directly intervenes on their side step into world dominion.
The delusional part of their strategy has been bolded for your convenience. The fact that it will not happen does not mean that the Muslims, who believe their own delusions, will not do the italicized part of the strategy in order to achieve it. The fact that God will not in fact intervene when the vindictive missiles of the West and Russia begin raining down on Teheran and Islamabad and Karachi and Damascus does not mean that the dead of Rome and Tel Aviv and Mumbai or whatever cities they destroy to generate the needed provocation will spring happily back to life afterward. Nor will the economic and social damage done by such destruction vanish after such a successful retaliation.
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