The Swedish Suicide Train -- Instant Permanent Residency to Any Syrian Refugees Who Apply

Sep 10, 2013 11:16

Courtesy of Bruce Bawr, Frontpage Magazine "The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden."

This week, the eyebrow-raising news is that Sweden is offering instant permanent residency to any and all Syrian refugees who apply.

Full stop.  Does anyone really believe that this policy will end well?

Sweden has a population of 9.5 million, of which 1.5 million are foreign-born and around 2.5 million have foreign backgrounds.  When one considers that most of the immigrants are Middle Eastern Muslims and that second and later generations in Sweden are often violently hostile to the native Swedes, we're talking about a situation in which around a quarter of the population hates their country of residence.

As Bruce Bawr points out:

Before this new policy was announced, the number of Syrians seeking asylum in Sweden was over 1000 a month. But now? The sky’s the limit. Think about it: Syria’s population is 22.5 million, of which about 5000 are fleeing the country every day. More than two million Syrians have fled their country since the civil war began, and there’s no sign of that number abating.

This means that there is almost a bottomless reservoir of potential Syrian refugees entering Sweden.  Quite apart from the current Syrian civil war, which gives the Syrians an especially-good reason to want to flee their country, life in Sweden (even on the dole) is far better than life in Syria (even in peacetime).  Any rational Syrian not having a good reason to stay put would be wise to accept the offer of asylum, and no doubt many will.  Bawr commented:

What Syrian wouldn’t take Sweden up on such an offer? It means not only a residency card but also an elaborate benefits package including free money, housing, health care, day care - you name it.

It gets worse.

Before this week Sweden’s immigration policy was already suicidal; it’s hard not to see the new policy as an effort to turn slow-motion self-slaughter into something more like a leap off a cliff. The sheer numbers aside, how many of the newcomers will be members of Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and so on? The main reason for the three-year temporary residency was that Swedish authorities needed time to do background checks. Have they decided to abandon those checks entirely?.

I'm guessing "yes" -- or at best, the Swedish authorities are planning on doing the checks on the immigrants after they are living in Sweden.  If so, this is incredibly stupid -- obviously, any halfway-intelligent terrorists will simply acquire false identities and disappear into the sympathetic masses of their co-nationals.  Tracking most of them down after they're in the country will be close to impossible.  I suspect that the Swedish officials are just avoiding thinking about the possibility, since it goes against their notions of political correctness.

The Swedish newspapers, which are the ultras of Swedish political correctness, are in fact arguing the opposite:

The editors of Aftonbladet, for example, complained that Sweden hadn’t gone far enough, and lamented the fact that the rest of Europe wasn’t joining in. Noting that European countries have taken in about 40,000 Syrians, the editors complained that this wasn’t nearly sufficient. “We have built,” they complained, “a ‘Fortress Europe.’”


Summed up in these two words, these twin trochees - “Fortress Europe” - is the very madness of Sweden.
Aftonbladet‘s editors called on Sweden to pressure other EU countries to copy the new policy, and proposed that it make a more active effort to bring Syrians to its shores, namely by plucking them up at refugee camps in Syria and shipping them to Sweden from there. “Sweden can help. We have the knowledge and resources,” the editors of Aftonbladet wrote. “The question is whether we want to.”
Somehow, I don't think that the other European Powers will be all that eager to climb aboard the Swedish suicide train.

And it continues to get worse:

How, then, does Sweden expect to pay to house and feed all these refugees? An article that appeared a couple of weeks ago provided an answer. The headline was blunt: “Malmö takes from the old and the sick and gives to immigrants.” The thrust of the report was that the city of Malmö, desperate to find a way to cover its ever-rising expenditures on immigrants (it spends $15 million a year on mother-tongue schooling alone), has proposed severe cuts in outlays for sick and elderly native Swedes.

Remember that we’re talking here about a country where the chief justification for high taxes is a generous welfare system that provides a safety net for the unemployed, the ill, and the elderly. Swedes are brought up to view themselves as partners in a covenant with the state: pay your way when you’re able to, and you’ll be taken care of when and if you aren’t. Yet in Malmö, thanks to the soaring costs associated with immigration, the local government can no longer keep its end of the deal.
In other words, the Swedish State is directly breaking its explicit social contract with its own people -- the people who actually paid into the Swedish welfare state -- in order to provide benefits for foreigners who have not done so.  What's more, these are foreigners who have a violent religious ideology that tells them that they are owed such payments as jizya -- the protection money due from infidels so that the Muslims will not simply kill them.  This makes any gratitude on the part of the refugees extremely unlikely, and indeed makes it likely that the refugees will engage in violent rioting and terrorism should any attempt ever be made to cut back on these special benefits.

Bawr concludes:

Seen from abroad, it’s very clear where all this is leading. Why can’t the Swedes see it themselves?

My guess is that the Swedish elites are moved by a class- and race-based arrogance so transcendent that they cannot see how these immigrants could possibly be a threat to the Swedish way of life.  After all, the refugees are poor, and nonwhite -- surely they are but "victims," and surely the rich white Swedish aristocrats could never be vulnerable to persons matching such a description?

I'm guessing that, over the next decade, the Swedes will begin to learn better.  And, having let a larger percentage of hostile foreigners into their country than any other European nation, Sweden may be the first of these nations to experience actual civil war, as the Muslims rise up to claim their Allah-given dominion over the Infidels.

refugee, sweden, syria, al qaeda, terrorism

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