IntroductionAs those who have been following the news have probably noticed, the Obama Administration has recently been hit by three big scandals, coming all together. Of these, the oldest (and most severe in terms of his primary role as Commander-in-Chief) is the Benghazi Embassy terrorist attack, and his incredibly incompetent and dishonest
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... I'm less certain than you are that
The GOP are always timid and will never try to impeach Obama for obvious reasons.
Actually, a lot of the incentives would move the GOP to push for impeachment provided that they can get enough evidence.
Also, the mainstream media is becoming increasingly less important, and the story will be hard to put back into the bag now that it's been let out. Not only are there Fox News and the Internet, but also many elements of the MSM may -- once they've gotten onto the story -- be reluctant to give up the trails. There is material here that could make a reporter's career for the rest of his life.
But yes -- we the people had better remember this in 2014. Keep in mind that the greater the Republican majority in the houses of Congress, the greater the chance that impeachment or other legislative efforts against the Obama Administration will achieve critical mass and actually accomplish something.
They haven't figured that out yet, though. An increasing number of people of all political persuasions are both using the Internet as their primary (if not only) news source, and an increasing number are getting savvy about how to use it themselves.
In a media climate where a reporter has been virtually hounded out of the room for even daring to ask Obama a question, who would want to wear the albatross around his/her neck of being the one to drive the first black president from office.
That is just a fact.
The GOP has and, until we get real conservative leadership, will remain timid - unlike liberals who play with brass knuckles - because they want to prove to everyone they aren't the caricature the Democrats and liberal media paint them to be.
if you remember, before the rise of the TEA PArty, the GOP were well underway toward surrendering to Obama and giving him everything he wanted. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into being the loyal opposition and have been demonizing true conservatives ever since.
They are harder on their own base than they are on their opponents and, if truth be told, have no stomach for leadership and mostly want the same big government liberals want only they think they can run it better.
John Boehner is a decent guy but one who has gotten where he is by playing along and working the system. He's a deal-maker and has to be pushed - hard to do the right thing.
Hopefully there are enough leaders who understand what's at stake but, given their track record, I can see how this will play out given the nature of beltway politics.
Even the mainstream GOP would rather win than lose. They've just forgotten how.
Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process, and it has only so much to do with 'evidence'.
Without 66 votes in the Senate, no need to bother.
Well, we can dream, can't we?
"I have two words for why we shouldn't impeach Obama: 'President Biden'."
Biden's no more incompetent than Obama, and he lacks Obama's charisma. Biden would be likely to run in 2016, and likely to lose to any decent Republican challenger. Think "Gerald Ford."
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